It cracks me up when somebody talks about melting paraffin mixed with graphite, or some other magic potion, in a double boiler. What a pain in the rear. It might be all right if you didn't ride your bike much.
I used Duckhams chain guard for several years Offy when I commuted to work and back on my first K1 and then my Kawasaki Z1 900 every day, plus my Yamaha XT500 single. That was back in the early 1980's, when "O" ring and "X" ring chains were the exception, rather than the rule.
In Oz, we have pretty much 24/7 riding weather, not anywhere near the rain, snow, ice etc that you guys in the US experience, and of course, back in those days I could only afford a car
or a bike, so I chose a bike as my daily transport.
I guess if I had the option to use a modern chain and modern chain wax I would have jumped at it, but of course it wasn't available back then, and the melted grease method wasn't a "magic potion", but rather a common practise that had proven sound for probably 60+ years to mechanics who were "in the know". As now, I did all my own maintenance, and I kind of enjoyed it.
As much as it's fun to hang crap on what we did back in the day, if you weren't there, or you just had a shop do all your work for you, then you really shouldn't make sweeping comments based on your own ignorance of the subject. Cheers, Terry.