It's OK to admit that you broke that guard yourself in a rage over all of the people making their own knock-offs.

Excellent work as always. Did you use polyester resin or epoxy? I'm not an expert on the specific resin you used, but there are definitely some epoxies that require not just time but time at temperature to cure properly. I learned this when I made some fiberglass parts that appeared to be finish cured. I had removed them from the mold, trimmed and fit them, handling them plenty with no indication that anything was not right. When I was washing them in preparation for paint, I used hot water and they collapsed in my hands. I still remember the shock and the sick feeling in my stomach.
For that resin, it needed a specific time at a specific temperature to properly cure. I think it needed 4 hours at 60C. And it had to be 4 hours continuous - doing 2 hours now and 2 hours later would not work.
For you or anyone else making parts like this, get clarification from the resin manufacturer about curing.
I haven't done much business with Ripple Rock, but I have been in Kemp's kitchen and helped him clean some malware off his computer. Super nice guy. And Hindle is an amazing company - I put a Hindle muffler on the end of my Gary Wolf header because of my fondness for the company at least as much as my fondness for the muffler itself. I've seen those SOHC4 headers hanging in the showroom of my local bike shop and thought they looked great - but polished up they look just fantastic.
Amazing work as always. You are one of a few builders who make me look at and think about every piece, wire, and fastener on my bike. There's a guy on the CBX forum who calls me Dr. Detail, and I'm like "you have no idea."

Builds like this are why I'm changing my rear master cylinder to something that looks better, why I went with all A/N fittings for my oil cooler and t-stat, applying anti-reflective coating to my gauge glass, and going to an Al throttle tube with roller bearings. etc. etc. etc. Plus of course the blatant rip-off of your chainguard design.
You might like to check out the build threads from Smoker on Custom Fighters.