Oh no! That sucks. You gonna have that thing ready in a weeks time?
Pulled some excellent rockers from a donor motor I’ve been keeping under the work bench and installed a mystery re-grind cam that came with the Yoshimura pistons. The guy claimed that the cam was a Yosh, but being a re-grind, I highly doubt it. Will be interesting to see how it feels though.
Buttoned it all up and pulled the trigger around 1:30AM.
Tough pill to swallow Jimmy. I've seen this before a bunch of times and it always involves both cam and rockers. The good news is with hardwelded rockers and cam, the surfaces will continue to look new for years.
Should have known better Brent. Won’t do that again.
Should be a much stronger ride with all 4 cylinders pulling together.
Embarrassed to say that I also discovered the Web Cam was timed one tooth out!
I got the ignition timing and idle issues that plagued us on the dyno resolved too.
Maybe cresting the 50HP mark is doable.