How do you approach the railroads for permission to cruise their rails? Or don't you) I have a seldom used spur line in town here, and is part of the Burlington Northern line. When I was a kid, I used to have a neighbor that had a hand car that we would ride for a few miles on a Sunday morning. Was way fun, and I'll never forget it. If this is possible, I'd like to try building something like you did and could ride the line for probably 10 miles or more before it joins up with the busy part of the road.
I'd say "don't ask, don't tell"
You definitely don't want to ask anybody for permission.
maintain ignorance--easy for me.
I used to ride the Burlington Northern from Hinsdale into Chicago.
I never got tired of that ride. seemed like an adventure every morning--
even at 5:30 a.m.!!
I had to be the very first person off the train inorder
to get the one cab at Union Station which took me over
to McCormick Place where I took photographs at trade shows.
Phil--be glad to provide pointers on railbike construction.--it's a blast!