Hi. It shouldn't take me long to become a member. I'll be spending hours going through the FAQ's and will have a lot of questions. I just got a '78 550K. This is my first project bike. It's not running...but it did as recently as a year ago. It needs the usual stuff...carbs cleaned, battery, gaskets etc. The intent is make a cafe bike out of it. I'm optomistic. I'm moving over to cafe bikes from the scooter scene. I still have the Vespa to ride while I get the CB up and running. I recently moved into into a condo and gave up my own garage for an underground parking space. So, the old Corvette is for sale and I'm looking forward to this new undertaking that uses a 10th of the space, no jackstands and a smaller tool box. It'd be great if any Virginia members are in the same area...let me know.
Stay tuned for pictures of this endeavor.