Not to make light of all of the HB thought... Tell her to crank sum dem puppies out! Great holiday gifts! Sets! 8 for Chaunnikah, Hannuka, Chaka Kahn, Hey its dark. Big ones for the table, small ones for the hearth, emergency lighting systems for Lucas equipped bikes ( wind screen and matches sold seprately). Doorstops! Picture holders! Dog house warmers (look honey I got you the 750 basket case!). Outhouse lights. Toast warmers.
Better a student who can weld, than one who cannot.
Better to have a plumber who knows greek........
Great gift. Grand memory. That boy friend she will bring home in her late twenties ( I pray this for you and all) to introduce, they will see that, he will make a comment, she will brush it off, he will be amazed and you will still be as proud, and he will see that in your eyes, and understand.
And that is how she made her first Million by 16.