Author Topic: I 'sploded my bike today  (Read 2567 times)

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Offline mlinder

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I 'sploded my bike today
« on: October 27, 2007, 07:03:50 PM »
Was hot on the heels of my friend on his Duc today, coming out of a small left hand sweeper, got on the gas hard in 3rd, and at about 8 grand, the clutch just.... let go....

Heard the engine skyrocket, got off the gas, looked down just in time to see the the needle sweeping down past where 12k would be if it were on my tach. Heard a horrible clack clack clack...
Pulled off the road, shut her down. My friend, who rides a bandit, stopped, and said "What was that? Saw a puff  of smoke burst out the back of your bike.."

Guy on the Duc came back.

Started up the bike, and clack clack clack clack.

Rode it slowly to a cafe, we sat down and had a burger.

Filled up, rode it the 60 miles home...
clack clack clack clack...

Well, gives me reason to do the upgrades I wanted to do this winter. Have to tear it down anyway.

Will be interesting to see what broke.

Lessons learned:

1.) If your clutch is acting up, don't ignore it.

2.) 12k+ on a stock engine = not good.

3.) If you don't completely go ape#$%*, your honda will still get you home.

Offline BobbyR

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2007, 07:07:00 PM »
Well it got you home. It will be better when you upgrade it. Thank God it was not a HD.
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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2007, 07:16:15 PM »
Well I dont feel so bad now.. did my motor in a month ago..

 Havent looked at it yet but it did not sound good. will find oout this winter.. took longer to kill it than I thought it would..
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Offline mlinder

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2007, 07:26:06 PM »
Well I dont feel so bad now.. did my motor in a month ago..

 Havent looked at it yet but it did not sound good. will find oout this winter.. took longer to kill it than I thought it would..
What did ya do?
(oh, yeah, I'm thinking a dyna 2000 may be in order this winter, too, to replace the dyna-s. I've been at or over 10k too many times for comfort the last couple months.)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 07:28:50 PM by mlinder »

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2007, 07:48:00 PM »
Well I dont feel so bad now.. did my motor in a month ago..

 Havent looked at it yet but it did not sound good. will find oout this winter.. took longer to kill it than I thought it would..
What did ya do?
(oh, yeah, I'm thinking a dyna 2000 may be in order this winter, too, to replace the dyna-s. I've been at or over 10k too many times for comfort the last couple months.)

Let's place bets on the broken part(s)!
I'll lay $1 on the rocker shaft, another $1 on a bent rocker arm.    :D
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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Offline 754

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2007, 08:04:45 PM »
I knew I had a sticking valve.. it was acting up riding back from B'ville.. Got home and there was a poker run, and I thought hey It can  do 4 or 5 more hrs. About 100 miles out it lost power and ran like crap. We were near our lunch stop, I got in and it cooled off. Started up OK when I left, but I asked a buddy to stick with me.. we were heading up a steep pass.. it got warm started losing power.. i geared down, started getting noisy.. then started really getting lots of blowby.. white.. so I shut her down..

 Told the other guys to keep going, That I would push and roll back..6 miles...  got it up to about 40 MPH coasting!! had a few offeers of help.. last mile I stated it and rode into nearest town.. sounded knackered.... (Had a great walk  with my bike)!!

 I was going to tear it down anyway, it had over 2 decades on it..
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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2007, 08:41:50 PM »
I'm siding with Hondaman. No oil pouring out. Since it still ran it's not likely a rod or valve. Been down the 12K broken valve road A1A before. Obliterated the engine. You're still in the saddle so it's likely minor comparatively speaking. I just needed a good excuse to tear into mine too back when. Should we congratulate you on your new engine now or later?
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline mlinder

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2007, 08:45:29 PM »
Shhhh, told the girlfriend it's completely knackered, and needs rebuilding, and while I'm at it, may as well upgrade the way I wanted to anyway... hell, it's not that much more expensive...

She didn't buy it for a minute, but we both pretended she did.

It's nto smoking or anything at the moment, just noisy as hell, and some.. weirdness.... when accelerating.

It will be the old engine, but built new and better.

Maybe I'll try to find an engine to run while I'm rebuilding...

350f runs, but I want to tear it apart too, it smokes.
Have access to a 78 gs550 that I can ride long as I need, but....
« Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 08:47:08 PM by mlinder »

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2007, 08:46:50 PM »
I had the same experience with my 550K1.  Bought it off a guy asking $1000 about 2 1/2 years ago but it wouldn't run when I went to test drive it.  I talked him down to $400 plus he threw in a Shoei helmet so i bought it.  The bike seemed to be in good condition but since I couldn't do a compression test on it I wasn't sure.  Got her home on the  back of a truck and went to work on her.  Pulled the carbs and went through them, cleaned all the electrical connections, new battery, and plugs and she came back to life.  Rode her around all summer and fall without any problems.  Got her out late last winter after it had warmed a bit and took her for a ride.  I noticed that the fork seals were leaking a bit but nothing all that bad.  I went about 50 miles before I noticed that she was losing power and a good bit of whit smoke was pouring out of the #4 cylinder.  Pulled her over to look her over when I noticed that there was oil all over the #4 tail pipe!!!!!!!!!!!!.  Spent the next hour puttering home on back roads doing 20-30 mph on what seemed like one cylinder.  I finally pulled the top end off and found that the #4 rings were bad.  Im just glad I made it home.  I did a compression test for #$%*s and grins after all of this.  and the #4 was barely hitting 50psi.  I should ahve her back on the road by late winter if everything goes well.  Motor should be finished in the next few weeks and then I turn my attention to the frame and wheels and everything else that goes with it........... Chris
« Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 08:48:45 PM by Littleitaly52 »
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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2007, 10:43:57 PM »
... hell, it's not that much more expensive... ;D


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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2007, 05:48:34 AM »
Must be in the air or something. I'm out on the beast yesterday. Everything is going fine about 50-60mph and suddenly I'm running on 2 cylinders, then 4, then ??, losing power, as if I'm running out of gas. Downshift, power picks up, gain speed, shift to fourth, same thing starts again. I limped back to the garage. Shot some carb cleaner through the set while I had the throttle locked @ about 4k and it cleaned right up. I rebuilt these carbs from A to Z and I hate to tear them down again. Today I'm going to check the plugs to see what they look like and install this in-line fuel filter I've been procrastinating on. Maybe I'll pour a little Seafoam in the tank too.

Offline 754

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2007, 09:42:46 AM »
mlinder, did you pull your rocker caps and have a look??
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Offline mlinder

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2007, 09:46:07 AM »
mlinder, did you pull your rocker caps and have a look??

Nah, not yet. Having coffee and watching a nature show.
Will do it shortly. Also debating what to buy first, 750 rebuild crap, or 350 rebuild crap.
I'll post if I find something. I'm guessing it may be tough to find out anything until I can pull the engine, and pull the head.

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2007, 09:53:12 AM »
If its a rocker or shaft or valve spring, you should be able to see.

 I am thinking of pulling my oil filter and pouring it across a piece of cardboard, but I am worried that it may be 2 depressing.. :(
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
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Offline paulages

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2007, 12:08:43 PM »
mark, i might have an engine you can borrow for a while. i will probably actually need it at some point, so we'd just have to work it out. i was running skyline yesterday on the 550 well past redline (the engine's going soon anyway, right?  ::))... well, i think so anyway. can't tell without the tach. anyway, i'd better do some knocking on wood...
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Offline mlinder

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2007, 02:17:09 PM »
mark, i might have an engine you can borrow for a while. i will probably actually need it at some point, so we'd just have to work it out. i was running skyline yesterday on the 550 well past redline (the engine's going soon anyway, right?  ::))... well, i think so anyway. can't tell without the tach. anyway, i'd better do some knocking on wood...

Man, I wish I woulda called you and we coould have all gone, Paul.
We did an 11 mile run to jewel from somewhere, in under 6 minutes. That was the pace yesterday for about 2 hours.
Thanks for the offer on the engine. Marcus is lending me the gs550 for as long as I need.
This is a perfect opportunity to build up my 750 the way I've been wanting to.
First purchase, APE clutch kit.
I had a damned good ride, despite the 'splosion.

How soon till yer 714 is done? Can't wait to run against you with the upgrades I have planned.

Oh yeah, I'm formulating a rev limiter to work with the dyna-s system. We will see if it is a good design. If it works, you might be interested in one also for your new engine.
Unless you are going dyna 2000.

Offline paulages

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2007, 05:33:29 PM »
mark, i might have an engine you can borrow for a while. i will probably actually need it at some point, so we'd just have to work it out. i was running skyline yesterday on the 550 well past redline (the engine's going soon anyway, right?  ::))... well, i think so anyway. can't tell without the tach. anyway, i'd better do some knocking on wood...

Man, I wish I woulda called you and we coould have all gone, Paul.
We did an 11 mile run to jewel from somewhere, in under 6 minutes. That was the pace yesterday for about 2 hours.
Thanks for the offer on the engine. Marcus is lending me the gs550 for as long as I need.
This is a perfect opportunity to build up my 750 the way I've been wanting to.
First purchase, APE clutch kit.
I had a damned good ride, despite the 'splosion.

How soon till yer 714 is done? Can't wait to run against you with the upgrades I have planned.

Oh yeah, I'm formulating a rev limiter to work with the dyna-s system. We will see if it is a good design. If it works, you might be interested in one also for your new engine.
Unless you are going dyna 2000.

yeah, i'd have loved to have gone. i rode with some newer riders today, and had a really hard time keeping it slow. don't think this merits participation in the "up against modern bikes" thread, but i had a funny experience with some squids a bit ago. i'm up at the vista house on the columbia scenic highway, when these three bro dudes on modern 100+HP machines  come up just as we are set to continue down the hill. we let them go ahead, but then i gunned it and was right on their tails. they were faux-knee dropping and everything, but i was right there. after a mile or so, they got visibly pissed and pulled off to let us pass.  ;D realistically, the road was controlling the speed, but i could tell they didn't like the idea of a 30 year-old honda keeping up with them.

i'd love a dyna 2000, but i'd love all kinds of things for that project that make the cost skyrocket. you make a limiter to work with the dyna s, and i'd be a happy man.
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Offline mlinder

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2007, 06:57:54 PM »
Now that I've had time to think about it, Paul, I may take you up in the engine lending offer.
We can talk about it this week or something.

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2007, 07:18:25 PM »
I have a good CB550 engine in a box, in Garden Home.  If it's only your cylinder head, I could lend you mine or whatever.  I also have a NIB 604cc kit, if it comes to that.

Working on f-i-n-a-l-l-y getting my 650-engined 550F on the road; I'd like to meet some of you Portland guys and find out what local resources there are.  I'd also appreciate some consultation about the wisdom or lack thereof, of "borrowing" parts from my CB550 road racer, which is complete and beautiful, but I'm never gonna race again, for the street bike.  Not to hijack the thread.

Joe C.
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Offline paulages

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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2007, 09:40:11 AM »
I have a good CB550 engine in a box, in Garden Home.  If it's only your cylinder head, I could lend you mine or whatever.  I also have a NIB 604cc kit, if it comes to that.

Working on f-i-n-a-l-l-y getting my 650-engined 550F on the road; I'd like to meet some of you Portland guys and find out what local resources there are.  I'd also appreciate some consultation about the wisdom or lack thereof, of "borrowing" parts from my CB550 road racer, which is complete and beautiful, but I'm never gonna race again, for the street bike.  Not to hijack the thread.

Joe C.

and i'd love to see that road racer! he's got a 750, so no luck on the offer. my shop is down by the rose quarter if you ever want to stop by for a beer.
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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2007, 12:29:29 PM »

What Blew???????????????????????

da SusPenSe is killlin me... ;D
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Re: I 'sploded my bike today
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2007, 02:12:17 PM »
I picked up a dyna2000 for 50$ on ebay.  I see them go for around 70$ very often. Worth every penny... You can use one that is for any 4 cylinder bike...they are all the same. 
