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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2007, 06:41:27 PM »
anyone have a side shot of that x system on a 750?

Here's a photoo of one on a DOHC; apologies to the bike owner, I don't remember where I got the pic.

I spoke to Malcomb (X-pipe mfg) and he assured me that it tucks up tight underneath the SOHC 750 engine even though it looks to hang kinda low on the DOHC. I'm still debating whether to go with an X-pipe or Benjies's.

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2007, 07:01:39 PM »
I like my MAC--plenty loud, good chrome and thick metal.

nice bob's sticker :)
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2007, 07:08:42 PM »
anyone have a side shot of that x system on a 750?

Here's a photoo of one on a DOHC; apologies to the bike owner, I don't remember where I got the pic.

I spoke to Malcomb (X-pipe mfg) and he assured me that it tucks up tight underneath the SOHC 750 engine even though it looks to hang kinda low on the DOHC. I'm still debating whether to go with an X-pipe or Benjies's.

That looks much different from what I've seen over the years in person and in pics (though that is a DOHC).
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2007, 07:26:46 PM »
I can pretty much assure you that you don't want an X-pipe system. Before I launch into the negatives, they do sound really really cool, espically at WFO. they are unbaffled so expect not to be on good terms with your neighbors.

However there was a lot of flap over the years about those pipes. The big issue I have seen with them is they rust, qucikly and ugly. Either the chrome is no good on it or the design retains too much condensation but every one I have ever seen (which admittedly has not been many) has been rusted or rotted. This design has been around for a long time, although if you buy the hype on the website it seems fresh and new. Do a search here and I bet it comes up at least once.

The real thing that bugs me however is if you look at that x-pipe,  it is held up ENTIRELY bu the exhaust collars. And it is heavy. Personally I would want something a little more secure than a moon collar (or the bolt on F collar) and a brass crush washer.
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2007, 07:35:49 PM »
I can pretty much assure you that you don't want an X-pipe system. Before I launch into the negatives, they do sound really really cool, espically at WFO. they are unbaffled so expect not to be on good terms with your neighbors.

However there was a lot of flap over the years about those pipes. The big issue I have seen with them is they rust, qucikly and ugly. Either the chrome is no good on it or the design retains too much condensation but every one I have ever seen (which admittedly has not been many) has been rusted or rotted. This design has been around for a long time, although if you buy the hype on the website it seems fresh and new. Do a search here and I bet it comes up at least once.

The real thing that bugs me however is if you look at that x-pipe,  it is held up ENTIRELY bu the exhaust collars. And it is heavy. Personally I would want something a little more secure than a moon collar (or the bolt on F collar) and a brass crush washer.
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2007, 08:27:09 PM »
Im actually a fan of the straight exhaust into a $5 chrome wall-mart tip  ;)

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2007, 08:34:24 PM »
  Ahhhh, the X-pipe has once again reared its ugly head, and all of the downsides have been covered save one. SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED!!!!!

      Four thin pipes and a collecter, covered in sloppily applied, uncured high temp paint. It is up to you, the unwary buyer, to drill, screw, weld, add springs....whatever it takes to insure that the collector doesn't blow off as soon as you hit the start button.

   Looks like it hangs a bit low? Well, that's 'cause it DOES hang a bit low. You'll lose about 1-1/2" of ground clearance under the engine. Probably more since the entire weight(which isn't much actually) is supported by the exhaust collars(as geeto points out). Take a look at the DOHC pic. See how the exhaust doesn't extend out much further than the frame rails? This exhaust hangs SO LOW that the exhaust tip hits ground before the stock foot pegs do.

   Still, I am undeterred and as soon as I've run the bike on the dyno I am going to fit the X-pipe for it's trial run (only mounted it to check fitment so far). The down tubes will get wrapped in header tape to hide whatever rust may develop. The centerstand has to come off in order to use this pipe so I will be having a mount made to connect the collector to the center stand frame tabs in order to support/raise the exhaust tips so they don't scrape ground when fully leaned over. And springs will be welded on so that the collector can be removed for oil changes.

   The curious side of me just wants to know what this exhaust is really like. The silly/stupid side of me wants to have Terry paint me up some AC/DC "Back in Black" theme bike parts so I can fit this pipe to the bike and call it "The Thunder From Down Under" :D :D :D     OK, just shoot me :P ;)

   Back to the "Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac" thread. Forget the X-pipe.

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2007, 08:46:18 PM »
Well that seals the deal! Benji pipes it is...after christmas lol. What setup did you get? baffles or the "vintage sound" setup?

Mine are the type with the perforated tube up the centre surrounded by the packing, to call them silencers would be pushing the point just a little;D

I have to confess I was considering a Kerker before I discovered Benji's website, but it would have been a last resort, as I'm not really a fan of 4-1 systems, I think they make these bikes look unbalanced when viewed from the rear :-\

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #33 on: October 31, 2007, 09:04:54 PM »
Hey there  three words and three certain letters  KERKER KERKER KERKER Ive been a fan of the kerker for 20 some years now andas far as the passenger peg issue not an issue  the only thing is on the  canister side you have to have a slight offset peg bracket that lifts that peg up like an inch or so. I took a mac off my sisters 74 750K and the first time she rode it she sais wow like night and day . sound , performance,and look.  And yes the mac is loud but thats about all it is. Now I run and so does sis and younger brother no baffle just the end cone piece. you can keep it quiet or you can make em bark. and with the three set ups Im speaking about, with stock air box no jetting. I run pods and an 836 kit so I did need to rejet. I do like the looks of the benji, but you just cant get the performance you get with the 4 into 1 , its that push me pull me you get. Im doing a cafe next and am hopeing to do the kerkwer with out the canister looking for a deep throaty sound. but some kind of internal baffle I will see when its all together. Ive got one hanging in the garage that has been abused, my off roading years ago so the old chrome will be sanded and painted black. Oh on a side note I woud put about 14 coats of good wax on the kerker b 4 installing, up here in Maine the weather and rough roads are gonna get to them. good luck with your choice Craig in Maine
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2007, 09:44:11 PM »
I'm not one way or the other yet.  I still have to figure out what I want to do with the Tracy.
But does this photo not show a rear upward lift?

Offline scondon

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #35 on: October 31, 2007, 09:58:24 PM »
  Indeed it does. That must be the ultra secret, ultra expensive MX-3 model ;)  Just kiddin', Seaweb. That doesn't look anything like the one I've got, or the one pictured on the DOHC bike. I saw pics of similar pipes on Dr. Campbells X-pipe site some years back. Ones with exhaust cannisters, chrome, etc.. but the only ones he was selling at the time that fit the SOHC 750 were the flat straight ones with open tips. They were cheap enough then for me to throw caution to the wind($225). Don't know if the one you have pictured would go for much under $600. Do you know if the one in your pic fits the 750? It does look pretty cool.

    My one, and only experience with buying a X-pipe left me with the understanding that the pictures and literature were pretty cool, but the actual product wasn't a easy bolt-on affair and lacked quality control when made. I'm still gonna try it though, can't wait ;D

EDIT:  One thing that is pretty obvious in your pic is that while the collector is sitting flat on the table, the down tubes are at a greater angle than they will end up being when mounted on the engine. This will force the collector down towards the ground when the pipe is installed and cause the same clearance issues I'm having with my pipe. Though my exhaust tips are straight, they end only a few inches from the 4-1 collector so your not gaining much clearance, even with the upswept cans.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 10:05:58 PM by scondon »
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #36 on: October 31, 2007, 11:13:38 PM »
The photo was from the link on page 2 of this thread.

I still don't know?   Perhaps a few emails to the guy for some photos...........

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2007, 05:39:14 AM »
Yeah, I need some kind of baffle. I've gotten to the point that I ride my Ducati (running glass packed "Racing" pipes) while wearing ear plugs. (and I've lost my custom molded ones somewhere, too, damn it) I couldn't run straight, or unbaffled pipes.

Anyone have a sound clip of the Peashooters? I think I've pretty much decided on the Kerker, but would love to hear the other.
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #38 on: November 01, 2007, 11:08:43 AM »
Carpy put an X-pipe on one of his bikes and although he did have to weld a tab to hang the pipe from under the frame... they look cool and sound ace!

I have a cheap mac header with autimotive tip and home made baffle, talk about weight savings.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2007, 11:12:00 AM by Andoo »

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2007, 04:10:41 AM »
Hey KB02,

Here's a VDO clip of our 4 into 2 full stainless exhaust with peashooters. Its not that loud at idle, but screams when you twist the throttle. The shooters on the VDO is a perforated fiberglass packed, the same as ChrisPduc's set up. Good luck!

-Flipprboi of BCR

Offline KB02

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2007, 04:57:29 AM »

I like that sound..... 
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2007, 05:09:55 AM »
Good video and I also liked your others ones  -always good to see a bike in motion!

Great sounding pipes!

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #42 on: November 06, 2007, 06:29:43 AM »
Gotta weigh in here before this link ends: I bought my Kirker for half the price of my cb500 in 1978. 29 years, later the headers are still good, I've had to wrap a peice of aluminum around a hole in the megaphone, and the baffles were replaced ten years ago. That's 29 years of regular use for $300 and they still sound grreat! (p.s. the Bassanis that were on it before looked umbelievable but they rusted out after four years.)
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #43 on: November 06, 2007, 06:41:25 AM »
Gotta weigh in here before this link ends: I bought my Kirker for half the price of my cb500 in 1978. 29 years, later the headers are still good, I've had to wrap a peice of aluminum around a hole in the megaphone, and the baffles were replaced ten years ago. That's 29 years of regular use for $300 and they still sound grreat! (p.s. the Bassanis that were on it before looked umbelievable but they rusted out after four years.)
Bassani made good pipes except the tubing was thin. They were the first to have an aluminum palsma coating to prevent rust. Those things were frick'n loud as hell especially on large bore bikes with compression.
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #44 on: November 06, 2007, 08:35:04 PM »
Hey KB02,

Here's a VDO clip of our 4 into 2 full stainless exhaust with peashooters. Its not that loud at idle, but screams when you twist the throttle. The shooters on the VDO is a perforated fiberglass packed, the same as ChrisPduc's set up. Good luck!

-Flipprboi of BCR


My wife would like to suggest that you make an appointment to get your hearing checked ;)

Either that or give us your definition of 'not that loud' ;D 8)
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #45 on: November 06, 2007, 10:13:22 PM »
Hey KB02,

Here's a VDO clip of our 4 into 2 full stainless exhaust with peashooters. Its not that loud at idle, but screams when you twist the throttle. The shooters on the VDO is a perforated fiberglass packed, the same as ChrisPduc's set up. Good luck!

-Flipprboi of BCR


My wife would like to suggest that you make an appointment to get your hearing checked ;)

Either that or give us your definition of 'not that loud' ;D 8)

They must be loud to drown out Rage Against the Machine like that, or don't you crank that #$%* to 11 in Jersey? ;) ;D     "WAKE UUUUUUP............WAKE UUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!"
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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #46 on: November 07, 2007, 09:00:33 AM »
Can anyone ID the exhaust that came on my bike?  It's got some surface rust, any way to clean that up and get it shining again?

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #47 on: November 07, 2007, 09:05:34 AM »
Looks like a Mac 4-2 (turnout style). Fine steel wool will help with the rust.

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #48 on: November 07, 2007, 09:05:59 AM »
Can anyone ID the exhaust that came on my bike?  It's got some surface rust, any way to clean that up and get it shining again?

No ID uh about the pipe ID.  But, the hardware store will sell you 0000 steel wool to take the rust off and restore shine to chrome bits.  Don't use it on aluminum, though.

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Re: Benji vs. Kerker vs. Mac
« Reply #49 on: November 07, 2007, 09:35:34 AM »
Is it just me or ? The pic Andoo posted..looks sorta like the oil cooler blocks enough air to not make it run any cooler?/.. maybe just my eyes..
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