Check the voltage ath the battery when the bike is running. The alternators don;t kick in till they get above 2500 rpm. With everything on, you should get about 14 - 14.5.V If not you may need to adjust the regulator. The battery actually runs the bike and the alternator recharges the battery.
BobbyR, please go teach that stupid "master mechanic" at G.N.Gonzales Honda what the hell an alternator does.
The genius manager over the Honda shop told me that my bike would never charge a battery. "A bike isn't a battery charger."
Yeah, I guess since I'm a woman, he took me to be a stupid #$%*. Duh, I never said my bike was a battery charger, but I have enough knowledge to know that the alternator is supposed to re-charge the battery.
I also have enough sense to know that a new battery shouldn't be dead after just 1 ride. (Yes, I charge the battery with a trickle charger for approx. 10 hrs before putting it on the bike prior to riding.) Honda checked my charging system. Checked out fine. Honda ate their bad rotten over-priced battery, too. Gave me a free replacement.
When this stupid Honda battery craps out (and it will, probably sooner than later), I am going back to a gel battery.