ooooh, better yet! a saddle! 
that better be a joke

this question is raised quite often and i always avoid answering it. because the answer is as complex as it is simple. so here go's
complex answer: when i started this build almost ten years ago i had no idea what a cafe was, i had never seen a customized jap bike that wasn't a chopper. i
did know that wasn't what i wanted ,... i wanted something unique and totally differant then every other cookie cutter bike i had seen ....also back then my fab skills were nowhere near what they are now, also i didnt have the internet (or this site) as a resource, i had the junkyard, swap meets, jc whitney, dennis kirk, and auto parts stores.
and every seat i looked at sucked , or wouldn't fit . that seat is me takeing lemons and makeing lemonade (or at least trying)
the simple answer: when your fabbing something that has never been done before , sometimes you hit , sometimes you miss
i am not completely satisfied with the seat as of now , i have been going in other directions hopeing to have some sort of seat apiphiney(sp?) and come back to it , i know it looks a little off, but basicly that is the look i wanted. i hate the way bump seats look and bobber seats don't follow the the lines of the bike , it will come to me . i think i may just knuckle down and buy a cycle-x solo seat they are the closest i've seen , and the least expencive. oh yeah another reason is, i dont want to drop cash on a seat to find out it doesn't look right on the bike, anyone got a solo seat i can borrow for mock up photos