Hey Oldie:
That tool sounds pretty cool....
On my 650 the adjuster and nut are too far in the motor to do with screwing driver and wench. So I had to get the honda tool. It woulda been nice for honda to have used a bit finer pitch on the adjustment screw, as you need hardly turn it at all to tighten it.
Anyway, I've found that this year I'm a valve tuning machine. Until this last month I was riding about 700 miles/week to work and back, so this season I've adjusted my valves 4 times this year.
The go/no-go system is the way to go. If you're a race mechanic or a machinist then maybe not, but for the rest of us it's the bomb. Being "right-on" is a state of mind. When you use the GNG method, you're only a few tens (.000X") off and, don't forget that you can't #$%* it up a little loose, but if it's tight your valve may not be closing all the way, or will be causing undue wear.
Use the GNG. I can do my valves in less than an hour now.