THE BOX from Japan.
Yamiya in Japan has an early CB750 sandcast restoration website. It is now more user-friendly than it used to be (and scary- just click "add to cart" and watch your credit card melt).
The "old" website carried items that are not on the new website. I recall they listed mind-boggling new original "unstamped" exhaust pipes. No-number (unstamped) pipes w/ the REALLY FAT diffusers were never sold by Honda seperately and were found only on early production sandcasts motorcycles. Usually if you need a set of good used, you buy a few COMPLETE CB750's and hope the pipes aren't rotted/rusty/dented and settle for decent. And they make the restoration- how good are your unstamped pipes? Honda still sells NEW HM300 pipes but they have lettering, numbers, paragraphs, relief indents for brake pedal, etc and the sandcasts did not have all those politically-correct safety-standard stuff. The sandcast pipes are plain and VERY sexy. YAMIYA actually made them. How? Apparently, at Honda's SANKEII exhaust source, theres a dude on the HM300 assembly line who takes the new pipes off the assembly line BEFORE they get the stampings, and sells them out the backdoor to YAMIYA, and call them "Lotus Root CB750 K0 exhaust". (What Lotus Root means I never figured out).
Anyway, I emailed YAMIYA and inquired what happened to the "Lotus Root" unstamped pipes? His reply: "You are very lucky. I have 1 set of the very last Lotus Root CB750 K0 exhaust available. No more. $2250 shipped to USA."
Sweat trickled all over me. I hesitated 1 nano-second and clicked the mouse.
They amazingly arrived from Japan in 2 days(!) in this BIG BOX. Talk about HOLY $HIT.
My wife actually approved.