Ha ha, so back to max RPM's etc, my newly built 836cc engine is still holding together quite nicely, with the following mods:
Stock K6 crank,
RC steel rods, (modified Honda)
Arias 12:1 836cc pistons
M3 Cam Chain tensioner,
APE Studs,
Mike Rieck stage 3 head,
Megacycle 125/75 cam,
Keihin CR29mm carbs,
Dyna S ignition and 3 OHM coils, and
Unknown brand new 4 into 1 pipe.
I "gave it the berries" a week or so ago and @11000 RPM (approximately, my tach only reads to 11000) in
third gear the speedo was reading 120 MPH. I ran out of road before I could do any more, and so have no idea what it will do in fifth, and to be honest, I was shiiting myself on a bike with 2 inch over front forks and pullbacks, and a lowered rear end, 16 inch wheel etc, the front was getting awfully "light" so I erred on the side of cowardice.
At those RPM's, the engine felt strong and was still accellerating, so I've no doubt that Mark's 14000 RPM limit is achievable, with the engine in a state of "perfect" tune. (I still need to raise my needles another notch, as its still too lean, methinks)
Due, I guess, to the 125/75 cam the bike feels a little weak down low. Mike Kramer has sent a stock crank to APE for me to be lightened and balanced, so I'll install that when it arrives and see if that makes a difference, if the lightened crank makes the engine spin up faster as has been said before, that might make up for the slight drop in torque. If not, I'll try a "torquier" cam grind, at the expense of a little less "top end" BHP. Cheers, Terry.