Sadly no longer with us, a mate of mine had an RC144 factory twin from the early 60s.
He took a mold off the filler cap and I saw the first one that came from the mold, unfinnished but very nice.
He then took very poorly with kidney problems and sold the business, and also sold the factory bike back to Honda as it was one of the few race models they didn't have in their museum.
A couple of years later his poor health took its toll and he died.
I have just been in touch with the company that he sold his business to and they are getting back to me with a price. Sad thing is, they can reproduce the cap but in an unfinnished state, they don't have the facilities to machine it. This might be a project where a person with machining facilities can make a few shillings finnishing them for would be buyers.
I'll get back with the price when I hear from them.