as someone who started his path in this forum some four years ago with wrong foot (and got bashed too) , all i can suggest is that you try and catch first the spirit of the "place". We are not magazine readers reading your amazing personal stories over glossy pages, just simple and mostly poor, (simon LMP aside
) guys who love playing and racing sohc4's. This is one of the best and friendliest forum in the biking world and I've been to a few. so just relax and talk to us on eye level, we care more about valve seat cutting angles than VIP stories.
And welcome to our forum 
i don't know tg... honestly... i'm not sure this makes sense to me. i would think a forum should allow as broad a range as possible of content and professional background. i mean, on the face of it, this is in many ways a forum that celebrates history as well as practical and technical topics. it seems to me that well wriiten, detailed in-depth content should have a value here. i don't consider myself a vip at all (although on occasion i've received that treatment as a member of the press and often it kind of bothers me... even if there is a vip sticker on my fiat from having attended the imola 200 revival). but if i were a vip, why should i be made to feel uncomfortable?
maybe this just isn't a good fit. i'm seriously thinking of withdrawing from this whole deal. i've had a very stressful life the last several years and don't need any more angst... especially, through something that has been near and dear to my heart since the age of 14. all the more disappointing, since, by necessity, i had had to set motorcycles aside for several years and felt that now i had time to orient myself back toward that world and that this forum might be a useful part of that process. but maybe i just didn't understand this whole forum business. that's entirely possible. i can certainly direct my energy elsewhere; that's not a problem.
thanks, for the advice just the same.
Patrick, you should stay around and get familiar with the forum members and forum etiquette. Like most things in life you get out of it what you put in and with the amount of info you *could* put into this forum you *could* get more out of it than most. Your first post was off the mark, for me it disrespected the forum more than the obvious disrespect for Mark and neither was a good first impression. However that aside, it's perfectly possible to have a great time here, talk to some fantastic people and expand your horizons even in cases where you didn't think they could be expanded. On one etiqutte point RR is right - if you want to talk personally to someone then use the PM facility not their email unless invited to through the PM thread.
Personally I'm not a fan of the Daytona bikes for my own ends, I like the earlier stuff, but the history of the whole race scene fascinates me and Daytona is a monumental milestone in that lifecycle. Again personally I don't like the claims around Daniel's bike. For me, provenance is a binary thing - you can either prove it in which case you can claim it, or you can't, in which case you have none. My views though - not borrowed or assumed from anyone.

So, welcome on board and here's hoping that the experience will start to improve for you as I know it will for us having you contribute and we can all learn and grow together. Hey we can't all be bad - we've taken TG on like a brother

BTW - Thanks TG, it's true, I'm clever and poor