And I recall -but I could be wrong, it was a long time ago and we had things to do at the office apart from listening to him - that when the helicopters were flying low, the air would "bounce" on the ground and would increase the lift of the helicopter. I guess that the principle is the same than with planes: creating a high pressure below and a low pressure above. When flying near the ground, the pressure gets higher as the virtual "air bag" below the helicopter only gets filled.
The increased lift close to the ground that you are speaking of is called Ground Effect. We talk about whether you are In Ground Effect (HIGE) or Out of Ground Effect (HOGE) when it comes to hovering and how much weight you are able to hover with at a given altitude, temp, etc. Every helicopter is different due to weight, dimensions, power available, etc. When flying forward, the helicopter uses it's surfaces to create lift which is one of the reasons it takes less power at cruising speed.
The Navy is no stranger to low level Helo refueling and it's done while the ship is underway. Back in the day we used to receive an extra $110 a month for being on the refueling detail.
Are you talking about HIFR (Hover In Flight Refueling)? There are provisions for HIFR on the V-22, but we were always under the assumption that we would burn more fuel than we could take on in a hover.