I live in Canada....Clients all in US ..All paying US dollars. It used to be $1.50 in the bank per dollar, now it's .90 cents.
It was a nice run....but I'm out of pocket at least $70,000.00 a year now

I can still "just barely" buy milk and cookies, so don't fee to bad for me
Notice it has taken me 2 winters to do this latest build and the 1st 2 were 1 winter projects.
Remember, it's not the Canadian dollar getting better, it's the entire planet finally realizing the US can't afford 200 zillion "defense" dollars being spent each month!!!!!!!!!!!
ca-ching,ca-ching,ca-ching,......... the sound of G. W. Bush printing pretend money

Now the US is talking about a "joint" dollar for Canada, US, Mexico similar to Euro-dollar. I think I'll take my lumps for now before I would agree to that.
Go USA economy!
anyway, you asked