Here is the specs of the Alum adjuster.
Height offset is 3/4 total. axle hole is 3/4 reamed.
OAL width is 1.025,
2.0 dia for .820 wide and 2.25 dia for.210 wide.
To turn these there are 2 5/16 holes on 1 inch centres.
There are 12 index marks milled on radially to help in adjustment, a feature not found on all.
I have 3 pairs of the finished alum pieces to sell, and a lot more in finish turned condition but no drilling done(you would have to drill axle hole, adj holes ,index lines , etc)
The outer 3 7/16 steel holder, I have round blanks but, non finished. I think there are better ways to hold them that look nicer, ie aluminum block or steel block. The 3 7/16 looked OK on a softail swingarm, but would look heavy on a dual rail or box tubing arm.. they could be trimmed but need the meat where the single clamp bolt went.