I've got a few old hondas, 74 750, 77 400, 80 CM400T and have just resurrected the 750 and 400 from about 4 to 6 months of hibernation. Both have had the overflow on the some of the carbs leaking when I turn the gas on. I've let them sit longer and never had this problem, but am now having it with both bikes. I'll ride them a few miles and try again in a few days and the same thing. I've taken the bowls off and blown some canned air and cleaner in them, but it doesn't seem to work. Sometimes hitting the side of the problem carb with a pair of channel locks work though. I know I probably need to ride them more, I was just wondering if anyone has any tips on fixing this.
The 77 400 sat for about 6 years, but I completely stripped the carbs, dipped them in carb cleaner and replaced the floats and float valves and have had no problems with them. Maybe it's time for a dipping with the other ones.