Can anyone tell me if a Windjammer Vetter fairing from a 70's CB750 will fit on a 92 750 Nighthawk? There's one for sale locally and would love to put it on my Hawk. If you know, please email me at Thanks in advance for your help!!
Probably will. I put them on everything from CB72 (250cc) on up: the only difficulty comes if the handlebars are too low. Then, they might rub against the side pockets of the fairing, so you can't hold on when turning sharply. Time was, you could get "bar risers" that bolted onto the existing handlebar clamps, raising them by 1/2", 1", 2" or 3", depending on which ones you bought. The bars then clamped onto the risers. They could also be had in "setback" versions, as well as "setback with rise" in various configurations. On the little Fours (350F, 400F), these were needed because the bars were more cafe-like. Lots of those smaller Fours went touring wiht Vetters on them, though: even CB350 twins wore Vetters "back then".
If it does "crash", different handlebars, or a little bit of up-bending, like with a conduit bender, may make enough clearance. (Done that, too...).