Steve, the most accurate translation would be "why don't you shut up?", even when his gesture and hand nonverbal signs were clearly saying "shut the fUk up you a$$hole", that is what he, the president, the minister of international affairs, and 99% of the spanish population would love to tell him. The wording doesn't imply a command, but rather a plea in disgust, like when you are talking by the phone and your friends are talking loud beside you, so you mute the phone and ask them to shut up.
That d1ckhead is becoming dangerous. International community have been dealing with him carefully, using diplomacy trying not to put thing worst as you never know what somebody like him can do. Even when he meant what he said about former spanish prime minister, he was clearly making public his despise against Spain, and he interrupted spanish prime minister all the time. The king's reaction has been front page in every single newspaper in Spain, as it has never seen before, and as a token of how an a$$hole like Chavez can exhaust the patience of the most calm and polite man.
The incident have had many readings in Spain. First, it speaks well about Zapatero, who even when totally oposed to former prime minister Aznar, did speak in favour of him on an international forum. But it is a two-edge knife, as Zapatero has cultivated since he came into power the relationship with leftist south-american countries as Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba, after offending USA not standing when the american flag passed in front of the mainstand during the military parade on National Day (Oct. 12) in 2003, removing the troops from Iraq as soon as he got into the chair, and now getting into trouble also with Morocco and Argelia, something very delicate now as even when it is just tension between neighbours, it can be taken as friction between the muslim and european world. The opposition is using the incident as a weapon against Zapatero, in the sense that "your reap what you saw" by supporting those clowns.
Spanish population publicly supports the king's reaction, something good for him as he was becoming very critiziced lately -the leftist government is spreading the discontent about him as they want Spain to become a republic-. Many people had the "why don't you shut up" sound file on their phones and use it as a ringtone.....