More of me than any of you ever wanted to see. Any way here it goes.
I'm a Libra so I thought this would be fitting, because I fall into the traditional Libra catagory. Balanced.
Got this while drunk in Brisebane. Just a reminder of what I was doing at the time I guess.
This is my daughters name.
Got this while in Japan. I wanted something Japanese because I had a damn fine time over there. I will go and retire in Okinawa Japan when I am an old fart. That place is awesome. If anyone has ever thought about going to Japan, go to Okinawa. Much friendlier people and much prettier sights.
The waves I had added later. Just thought they complimented the old lady.
This was my first tattoo. When I turned 18 I was living near a casino and played a lot of frickin black jack, so this was the best I could do lol.