Ahh that is A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I was gonna mention that the crappy skull one was never finished, it was a Louse Buddy of mine that I used to ride dirty with that did it. Half an hour freehand with a gutiar string needle and homemade gun and good ol' india ink. It was suppost to have a dozen skulls of different kinds stacked up and over my shoulder....He's in jail now soooo that's not going anywhere, and its hard to get other people to touch other peoples work. This guy could freehand an entire scene of their cultures art.
Kit I also want a tat like Firecracker had a temp of, but like you said I want it the real way, I dig pain and authenticicy and I want one of those.
Oh yeah the tiger on my left ribs was four hours of the most pain I have been in in my life, no food either so the endorfin buss was great. It all depens on your threshold of pain I guess you can say, but I am loco...