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Offline SEBNN

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Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« on: November 12, 2007, 03:18:26 PM »
Well, here is what I am starting with, picked it up a few months ago for about 200.00 and am slowing adding to it and building/cutting on it when I can.

Today I am adding a set of GSXR rearsets that I picked up cheap on eblay.  Took a little figuring as the frame they came off of made them mount with the mounting holes aligned vertically.  I got them as close as I could and still have a little more grinding to get them where I want them. 

Anyways, still deciding what else I want to do.  Things that I have decided on and considering are below.  Mainly it is going to be what I want it to be with no "cafe" items other than a set of low bars and pod filters.  Not to disparage against those who like the "cafe racer" name as applied to this style of bike, but my goal is a "works" build, it is mine and it works.  It may end up looking like what some would idealize as a cafe racer, but don't expect to see me racing to the corner and back during a song.  My goal is something unique to me though it may take 2 years (and the cafe fad will have passed) to get it done on my budget and time.  I expect to have a lighter and faster CB550 than what I started with (not hard, it doesn't run) that fits like a newer sport bike, starts on the first kick, as is mine from tread to handlebars.  Anyways, I've been trying to complete something like this since I was in high school, just never had the resources or experience or confidence to get it completed.  So, here goes on my list of things I've decided on, and things that are still up in the air.

-no side panels, inner fender, or visible electronics
-custom rear fender (water jetting it out in the next week or two)
-single seat (to my wifes consternation)
-shortened front fender
-pod filters
-color scheme with single offset white stripe
-sandblast & powder coating almost everything
-wider rear rim, new front rim
-out of site electronics
-kick start only
-different headlight ears

-dual front disc & modern cbr master cylinder
-knee dents
-rear disc brake (considering how to adapt current hub to disk capable, or getting new hub)  thinking that if I weld in an adapter and then turn the weld down flush I can use a stock honda rim, but not sure how the welding will go between a cast hub and billet.
-which turn signals to go with

-4-1 exhaust with canister style muffler on side
-4-2 exhaust with dual suppertrapp mufflers on side or in airbox area
-new pointless-ignition system
-speedo only and remounted indicator lights

-modern headlight (don't plan on riding after dark much)
-modern forks and non spoked rims (but then I start thinking about just buying a newer bike)
-stator to eliminate need for battery (have had several honda dirtbikes like this that ran street lighting fine and started on first kick with no battery)

-"cafe" sticker
-leather jacket with "rockers" or "ton up" on the back

Its going to be a long and fun 2 years getting this thing up to where I want it.  Thanks to all of you who post what you have done or doing as it has been a source of ideas of what is possible and some of the tricks to get it done.  It helps a lot since I have mainly worked on dirtbikes and keeping those in mostly stock shape for riding.

Offline cleveland

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2007, 03:33:03 PM »
Not to disparage against those who like the "cafe racer" name as applied to this style of bike, but my goal is a "works" build, it is mine and it works.

-"cafe" sticker
-leather jacket with "rockers" or "ton up" on the back

My gut still hurts from laughing at those two statements.  :D :D :D :D :D :D

Sounds like you have your priorities strait.  When do we get to see what you are starting with?  Pics man, pics!  ;D

BTW, what year?
« Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 03:45:45 PM by cleveland »

Offline Swede

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2007, 03:38:01 PM »
It would be great to see some pics of the rear sets you are fitting.  I have a 550 as well that is in need of some rear sets.  I would much rather find some used modern ones to fit. 


Offline SEBNN

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2007, 07:53:58 PM »
Sorry, the pics were in a PDF attached to the first post.  Since I don't have a photo program to shrink my pictures for posting, I just attach them as a PDF.

The mounts were pretty straight forward, just used a 5/16 unf tap, bought the tap and tap drill in a set at the local hardware store.  Then picked up some 1/5" X 3/8" metal strap, drilled and tapped the first hole, mounted the rear set on and lined it up for the second hole.  To get the mounts positioned on the bike I took references from engine mounting holes on the frame.  I still need to grind the mounts and welds down a little to get the look right, but so far I am pretty happy with how they turned out and welded up.  Considering that this is my first welding in several years.

I included a basic picture of my fender to be, this is a rough idea, though as I haven't had much time at work to model it.  I'm trying to pick up a legal copy of solidworks or proE so that I can finish it up in sheetmetal to get it all cut out of 16g steel, then I'll bent it at work and weld it up.  I want to model the entire bike, then I can try out some colors for things like rims and calipers before having them powder coated.  Anyways, the fender will consist of the main portion shown and front cover.  Another piece will be bent at about a 30 and welded inside to hold the taillight (cbr1100xx) and license plate.  The bottom of the fender will cover the bottom of the frame and attach at the stock mounting points and at the arch.  Underneath I am going to weld a plate in to hold the battery and fuses.  For the seat I am going to cut down the stock seat and reweld, or model a new one out of sheet metal and get it water jetted as well.  Also, a rear pad will mount to the front plate of the fender.

I have a cb550 tank from a previous year that has the flip top on it rather than the covered style that mine came with.  And I am still considering  the knee dents.  I tried practicing on the stock tank, but the look wasn't quite right.  I am thinking of cutting the forward sections out of the stock tank and welding them in with the inside out to provide matching knee dents, just have to get up the nerve to cut into 2 fuel tanks and weld one back up.  (I'll double my life insurance before I start cutting)

Anyways, it is a 77cb550k.  The stock exhaust was bad from about where the muffler's started on back, so I am thinking of using the head pipes to make my own 4-2 or 4-1.  My friend did this several years ago and it turned out well, so we'll see.

Offline cleveland

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2007, 10:08:57 PM »
Sorry, the pics were in a PDF attached to the first post.  Since I don't have a photo program to shrink my pictures for posting, I just attach them as a PDF.

I guess opening my eyes would help.  :-[

Looks like you have your work cut out for you.  If you need any parts let me know, I have a crap load or 74 CB550 parts.  Some will work, some wont.  My daily is a 74 CB550 and I have to tell you, I'd like it better then my 77 CB750.  So much so that I sold the CB750  ;D

If you decide to dent in the tank, you may want to consider a CB750 tank.  The CB550 tanks are small enough as it is.  ;)

Offline SEBNN

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2007, 10:20:02 PM »

Looks like you have your work cut out for you.  If you need any parts let me know, I have a crap load or 74 CB550 parts.  Some will work, some wont.  My daily is a 74 CB550 and I have to tell you, I'd like it better then my 77 CB750.  So much so that I sold the CB750  ;D

If you decide to dent in the tank, you may want to consider a CB750 tank.  The CB550 tanks are small enough as it is.  ;)

I might take you up on some of the parts.  Right now I am trying to figure out if I have all the parts to setup dual disc on the stock forks.  Still have to find another disc and check out the condition of my spare caliper.  I've also looked at tanks and I would love to make one myself if I could, but trying to design it so that I can fab it is a whole other problem.  Some of the off the shelf ones look really nice, but between the money and wanting to do it myself to stay true to the duct tape engineering corp I am trying to find something I can do myself that fits.

As for the project, originally I wanted to just buy a naked streetbike like the gs500 suzuki for commuting, but then after thinking about it and finding this one for cheap (understandably) on craigslist I had to go for it.  It's a project to take my mind off of work and to focus on on Saturdays.  Thankfully my wife is happy that my hobby keeps me happy and let me have pretty much all of today to work on it and to take an hour off to go ride the dirtbike through the desert for a while.  After lots of woops and wheelies, ground down the welds and called it a night.  With a few filler welds, and a new gringing disc the mounts will soon be done.  Kinda wish I had done them a little differently, but I am satisfied with the results so far.

Offline cleveland

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2007, 10:33:25 PM »
I should have a rotor for ya.  If you not in a hurry (and it doesn't sound like you are) I'll check it out on Thursday. 

I plan to do a naked bike this winter, but time seems to be hard to come by.  ;)

Offline SEBNN

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2007, 11:25:18 PM »
I should have a rotor for ya.  If you not in a hurry (and it doesn't sound like you are) I'll check it out on Thursday. 

I plan to do a naked bike this winter, but time seems to be hard to come by.  ;)

If you have one that would fit, that would be great, just let me know what you want for it.  I'm not I'm not in too big of a hurry, just need to finish all of my frame mods, then I will be ready to get the frame powder coated and get it licensed.  After that I need to work on the suspension and bearings.  Till then.

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2007, 11:52:40 PM »
SEBBN, you want to shrink your pictures? Just use Windows Paint (I assume you are into Windows platform, not Mac). Load the picture, and then go to image/stretch-shrink (or the like, mine is in spanish). Set the scale (say 20% in both horizontal and vertical), and then save the resulting image -with a different name or in a different folder, otherwise you will overwrite the original file-. Then you can post the picture.

Offline StrongPerf

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2007, 01:05:16 PM »
It looks great so far. I'm doing a similar build and want to stay informed!!

Good luck!

Offline SEBNN

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2007, 10:07:06 AM »
After thinking about the rearset mounts, I am grinding them off to install a set made out of 1/4" steel rather than the 3/8" that I used.  Also changing the shape somewhat to get away from the tab look that they had.  Gotta get a new tank for my welder next week so that will help.  Also going to alter my installation method.  I had been using a tape and measuring from different reff. points, this time going to put some all-thread between the two mounts and get everything set up easier.  Still take measurements to verify, but this will speed up the mounting time.

Also, while visiting family, found an old tank from a cx500 that I had laying around.  It has some rust, but looks like it may have some potential.  Can't wait to get home and try it out.  Anyways, I will post pics when I get the new mounts on and how the tank will sit.  Looks like I will be investing in some dry-ice for tank welding/cutting to move a gas cap and possibly some metal fill.

Offline SEBNN

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2007, 03:53:12 PM »
Ok, got some dry ice and some simple green.  rinsed the tank with simple green and water, put in some hot water and dry ice to eliminate the explosive effects, drilled some starting holes in the cx500 tank and started cutting.  I also cut the cb500 tank I had up so that I could take the filler neck and cap to weld into the cx tank and the rear section of the tank for a fender.  I have seen something similar, not sure if it is though.  And right now I just have them fitted over the seat pan to see how everything will fit.  I will be cutting down the seat pan to a single size and judging by the fit I will most likely use the rear section of the seat pan to attach the rear fender.  Still a lot of work left before it is even close, but this is the idea so far.  The taillight under the frame is the one going into the rear fender.  It is off of a cbx1100 and will require a little fitting.  Anyways, any ideas on welding the filler neck in are appreciated as I want to make sure that it seals. 

The good thing I found doing this is the cb500 tank that I thought was clean was actually 95% rusted inside.  So it will do better as a fender I think :) .  The rearsets are mounted in these pictures, but I am cutting those off and will make new ones out of thinner material that flow a little better.  Plus I finally have my welder set up right so I can get a better weld.  Many fun nights and weekends ahead.


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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2007, 04:50:48 PM »
Did you build your rear fender out of an old gas tank?
That's pretty sweet. Nothing quite like recycling something to a)be creative and b)stretch the budget. When you say kick start only, does that mean that you are merely yanking out the starter, and making sure that the wires can't contact anything? Or are you pulling the wires out of the harness (can that be done)? I too have a personal grievance with electric starters, and the only machine that has one that I own is the CB550. I want to yank that out and write something sarcastic on the starter motor cover.

Cafe racers are a fad? I've thought that they were pretty badass for about the last 14 years or so. I remember reading an artcle in Cycle World back then that highlighted a NorVin. If I recall it was the cover bike too. Such a sweet ride.

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2007, 05:38:06 PM »
I think the fad part is actually labeling them as a cafe racer with a sticker.  The mentality is pretty common for motorsports, as in making things lighter and faster and customizing them to fit the owner.  But, to specify that I am building something that may be a cafe racer in form and function, it is actually a works bike.  It only seems like a difference in name, but to me it is a worlds difference.

Anyways, yes the fender is made out of a gas tank.  I was going to cut one out at work, but the shape of some of the older race bikes caught my eye and I realized that I had some metal in that shape just waiting to be liberated (using a jig saw and a grinder).  So there is still some work to do and I will need to fit a bracket underneath so that it will mount up to the frame, but that is the start.  Checked the fit and it is slightly wider than the stock seat pan so it will look (width wise) as one of the tapered streamlined shapes that is supposed to match the rider (think late 90's GSXR's) assuming the rider has birthing hips (not quite that bad, more like secretary butt).   I am going to make a blank end for it to make it flush with the back of the seat and probably add a little pad to the front of it as a kind of rider stop, though the seat may have enough just with the foam.

My goal is kick start only as much as I like e-start, it just seems like one more thing to fail or replace on a 30 year old bike.  Sealed battery will go under the fender and electronics can go under the tank.  Someday it will be finished.


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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2007, 06:13:25 PM »
If I remember correctly from all the old Dirt Bike lore (I used to have a subscription to this mag between 15-16) Works = as much hand produced/factory only/one off material or parts as possible. Saw a replica rear CR750 hub/drum, and it looked pretty trick (hey, anyone know if this can lace to a 550 rim? Larger brakes = good!). I'd call rolling your own a special. But it's probably just hammering semantics at this point.

I like the scripting on the "cafe" stickers... though I don't think I'd slap one on my machine. Band stickers, NGK spark plug stickers, Bel-Ray logos, and Motion Pro tags...sure... just lets everyone know what I use, and where they might be able to go to find some tools or cables or levers for their rides. Ha ha ha! Though my 550 will be the first real special I'm attempting (everything else to this point has been bolt on mods).... so I'll be watching all the build threads I can find!
I really want to see that seat/tail when you get it done up!

Offline SEBNN

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Re: Starting My CB550 Build 08/2007
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2007, 09:48:45 PM »
I really want to see that seat/tail when you get it done up!

You and me both!  The definition I heard of works was something similar to what you said, and when someone questions the origins of the parts and bikes all you say is "it works doesn't it". :)