Sweet truck. Toyota trucks are awesome. I had an 86 4Runner which ran like a tank despite the fact that my sister never put oil in it during in the year that it was with her. A matter of fact, when I picked it up, the oil cap was not on. It was lodged somewhere in the engine compartment. It still ran like a champ for years after.
Yup, we've got a '94 Toyota 4-banger lady's truck: basic, stripped-down 4 cylinder 2 wheel drive; and it has outlasted just about anything I've ever driven. My wife has neglected it the entire 13 years she's had it. Has run it dry of oil more than once, neglected coolant, it has been banged, dinged, and rusted...and it is entirely dependable. If we were going to buy another truck, I'd look for a Toyota. (As it is, the wife found a little Subie Baja that she likes...)
Congrats on your new truck! Drive it in good health.