;)joined the forum a few weeks back and was looking for a 750, Well I found one in Wisconsin and I drove 8 hrs from Ohio to pick it up! It is a 1978 cb750k 25,000 miles and does run. Has been sitting for a while and there is a lot of surface rust on the chrome which can be an issue. What is cool it is a full dress with fairing and rear hard bags with rails and crash bars. I think I will loose the fairing but keep the hard bags , nice accessory. 300.00 bucks seemed like a deal even with the drive expense. Anyone have an idea on what original colors were on these cause I will be painting etc. Not that it has to be original but I want to keep in the era. Are rims readily available for this cause I do not think they will clean up. I am sure I will have many questions. Anyone need a faring? Thanks Geno