Bwaller, Kevin
From this year on, the CB400F are allowed into the vintage 500 class I race since it has become more than 30 years old model. Still, after all the reading I done on them (no experience) it looks like it's a lot of effort to make them competitive and even bigger effort to make them stay together.... See the article in sohc4. Was also quite surprised to see that their stroke is pretty long, 50 mm against 50.6 for the CB500, so not too much to be gained in terms of keeping piston speed down at higher rpm.
On the other hand, with their 51mm original bores, original valves and seats must be smaller than the 500's so in order to breath well with 56mm pisotns at 12-13K you are looking straigh away into major headwork. So I guess that after fitting carillos, bigger valves and seats, maybe re-angling the valve guides too, etc, you will end up with a strong 490 motor, six speed gearbox and maybe 20 lbs less weight. Not sure about the handling though, with a single dwontube it looks a tad less rigid, but again didnt ride those. what's sure is that I cant afford the thing!
Kevin, dont know if this applicable to your 400 but I managed ot get 12:1 on my CB500 even with stock flat top pistons by maching the block by 1.2mm and using a 0.5mm thinner copper gasket for an overall 1.7mm more comp.
BTW, what wrist pin dia does the 400f have?