The newest slot cars do laps on a 155 foot roadcourse King track in 1.8 seconds. Aerodynamics and downforce make these things (wing cars) seem supernatural. 8 cars doing that all at once on an eight-lane 30 x 50' King track is an eye-opener, and a bit scary up close! Drag funny cars do 110 foot scale quarter mile in .5 seconds; staging, christmas trees, redlighting make for intense racing. Some people take it a bit too seriously, and have tantrums, cheat, etc. Theres playing, and theres competition; and they don't always mix well when people go overboard.
Most popular slot cars are raced on oval tracks, Nascar style. Custom-built hardbodies using 1/24 models like Revell and Monogram w/ scratch-built frames are so cool. Crashes are the best.
I owned 3 different commercial indoor raceways during the 90's in NY, what a crazy trip (never again- commercial store rents killed me). Must've bought and sold 20,000 slot cars plus built some incredible tracks. Dale Earnhardt cars were sold as fast as I could paint them. I still collect COX and any old slot cars, if anybody has any, I'll buy them.