so all the recent dished tank threads have brainwashed me into doing it too (i'm such a follower)
i got this tank at a swap meet for ten bucks with the porpose of practicing, so that i could do it to my tank.
when i started i wanted them pretty small, just enough to get my knees in. when i was about half way to where i wanted them to be, all these dents filled with bondo started to show themselfs. I would hit it with the hammer and big chucks of bondo would go flying. so the dishes just got bigger and bigger. until they were what you see here.
i'm not going down to bare metal because i don't want to find any more dents.
this tank doesn't fit my bike, so if anyone has a '69 cb350 and wants to pay me lots of money for this
or i'll just mod my frame and make it fit (anything is do-able)