How's this for an idea?
Take the billions that we are currently pissing away on PRISONS, and spend most of that on a healthcare system that would be the envy of the world.
Keep the county jail for pretrial and those '10 days for disorderly conduct' type things.
State prison terms of say, up to a year or two could be replaced by... hmmm.... perhaps flogging. Racial concerns could be relieved by having blacks flog blacks, whites flog whites, asians flog asians, and so on. Longer sentences, and those sentenced to them, would be abolished. All of our armed robbers, rapists, Enron thieves, murderers, child molesters, heroin smugglers, and other violent criminals would receive a bullet between the eyes, instead of their current luxurious lifestyle. The funds remaining after healthcare could buy the bullets.
All those unemployed jailers.... what about them.... I guess some could be cops... maybe a few join the Army or something. I always wondered if the cutbacks in logging had anything to do with Oregon's ban on self-serve gas stations. hmmm... ex-jailers pumping gas. Between that and the whip, 'drive-outs' would quickly fade into history as a class of crime.
State prison buildings in convenient places could become state hospital buildings, state prison complexes in distant rural areas could be rented to wacko survivalist cults.
Tort reform has been mentioned. It is doomed to fail as long as juries continue to hand out millions.. 'it's not my money, after all'.. to relieve the 'pain and suffering'.. of those poor, hapless, 'victims'. Think about that next time you get a jury summons.
Happy trails.