Author Topic: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.  (Read 24287 times)

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Offline BobbyR

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Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« on: November 25, 2007, 06:36:09 PM »
I dislike Moore and have had no use for most of his work and I find him a smug little butthole. Having said all of that, you have to see this movie. What is being done by the Insurance Companies is criminal. If you have seen the Movie comment. If you have not viewed it, watch it and then comment.
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Offline Spikeybike

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2007, 07:02:22 PM »
what a "must see movie"  ,like i need anymore reason to hate this country.... nuff said

Offline neil young

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2007, 08:16:51 PM »
i watched it last night.
a very good reason to be Canadian
dont worry though our insurance companies make it up with car and bike insurance   :-\ :'(
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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2007, 08:23:05 PM »
Please save me two hours and 8.00, what is it that the insurance companies are doing and what is moore's solution?  Haven't seen any of his art so I am wondering what this one is about.

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2007, 08:33:18 PM »
what a "must see movie"  ,like i need anymore reason to hate this country.... nuff said

Don't hate the country, it is the best in the world man.  Hate some of the boobs running it.  Politics is a messy business.  Anyone who can really run this country would never run for office which is just plain sad.  Look at the presidental candidates, are you kidding me!  I was my wife's campaign manager I had a first hand look at what really goes on.  It is just sick.  We won the election because of hard work and excellent experience.  Many others win because of their connections and million dollar bank accounts - once they are in office they are terrible for the job.  If you are looking for better leaders, campaign finance rules must be changed and limited, then good people will actually have a fair chance of running and winning.
Don't even get me started on lobbyists.  They are so deep in out lawmakers arses it is criminal.  They and big business run the joint.
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2007, 08:43:06 PM »
I haven't seen it yet Bobby, but I've seen his show, and "Bowling for Columbine", and I'm surprised that someone hasn't killed him yet? He's certainly ruffled enough feathers. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2007, 08:47:04 PM »
I would rather wedge my butt into a tiny desk and watch my 3rd grade teacher drag her nails across a chalkboard for 2 hours. I do not need Michael Moore to know that we have a problem with health care. I knew the insurance racket was just that - long before anyone had ever heard of M.M.. Watching this flick would merely raise my blood pressure to no good effect. If everyone that sat through it had spent the time walking around the park instead, we would have a healthier country.

Happy trails.

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F you mark...... F you.

Offline edbikerii

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2007, 06:33:05 AM »
Has anybody here ever heard of anyone flying to Canada or England to get cured of Cancer?  People regularly come to the US from all over the world to get cured of diseases that all of the "socialized medicine" countries have failed to address everywhere else.

#$%*, you can't even get a decent dentist in Canada or England, so why the hell would anyone with half a brain want to even consider changing our incredible healthcare system for the abomination of "socialized medicine".

Just look at the cancer cure rates.  The US is light years ahead of anywhere else, and that is due largely to our Capitalist healthcare system.

Yes, if you want the best, sometimes you have to pay for it.  I'm happy to have those resources available here, because they don't exist ANYWHERE else.

Moor is nothing  but a #$%*-stirrer who profits from making "mockumentaries" and trying to scare people.
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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2007, 06:53:15 AM »
  People regularly come to the US from all over the world to get cured of diseases that all of the "socialized medicine" countries have failed to address everywhere else.

#$%*, you can't even get a decent dentist in Canada or England

You're a funny guy Ed  ;D ;D

Offline andy750

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2007, 07:18:20 AM »
You are indeed a funny guy Ed and very misguided if you really believe what you wrote.

You can die equally fast in the US compared to Canada, the UK or Europe from cancer. Unless YOU know better there is NO cure for most types of cancer. Treatment between the US and other countries that practice "socialised medicine" is practically the same  - case in point where do you think the treatment for Giuliani prostate cancer was developed? In Denmark and then exported to the US. There are plenty more examples Ed  - essentially treatment of cancers is NO worse in "socialsed" healthcare systems than in the US - no one country has all the answers  - there are plenty of people flying into both the UK/Europe and the US from other countries such as the Gulf States, Russia etc, ect....its not only the US. Furthermore where is one of the worlds largest Cancer research centres? London, UK!

Keep calm Ed and think before you write.


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Where did you go on your bike today? -

Offline 333

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2007, 07:22:24 AM »
Talk about a thread hijack.

As far as I know, cancer has not been cured.  Anywhere.  And you didn't mention the number of people who leave this country to get treatment not allowed here in the States.Or the millions of people who don't have healthcare.  Yes, people come here to get treatment, but nobody from Canada or England.  Then there's the whole "prescription drugs being cheaper in Canada" thing.

In the late 90s, I was on a trip along the Trent-Severn Waterway in Canada.  I actually was sitting around a campfire talking with real Canadiens.  It didn't surprise me to find out they see us(generally) as a bunch of whiners, complaining about the price of gas(then only around $2.25 if memory serves) or how socialized medicine will ruin this country.  What scares me is the number of Americans who upon hearing the word "socialized", read it as "socialist" and jump right on to "communist".  Talk about the politics of fear!

Edit: Apparently Andy and I were typing at the same time!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 07:37:31 AM by 333 »
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Offline Spikeybike

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2007, 07:52:24 AM »
what a "must see movie"  ,like i need anymore reason to hate this country.... nuff said

Don't hate the country, it is the best in the world man.  Hate some of the boobs running it.  Politics is a messy business.  Anyone who can really run this country would never run for office which is just plain sad.  Look at the presidental candidates, are you kidding me!  I was my wife's campaign manager I had a first hand look at what really goes on.  It is just sick.  We won the election because of hard work and excellent experience.  Many others win because of their connections and million dollar bank accounts - once they are in office they are terrible for the job.  If you are looking for better leaders, campaign finance rules must be changed and limited, then good people will actually have a fair chance of running and winning.
Don't even get me started on lobbyists.  They are so deep in out lawmakers arses it is criminal.  They and big business run the joint.

your right i dont hate this country, i hate it's politics, it's government, it's obcession with police-ing the globe, it's media, and dont forget all the brainwashed sheep that fall for all before stated B.S. .....this country is about one thing,, money
i don't hate it here, it just pisses me off sometimes .....  a song lyric by "anti-flag" comes to mind   
..."Don't fly those stripes ,those stars and stripes for me. For me. They stand for greed, they stand for hate ,for nothing i believe. " 


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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2007, 08:30:21 AM »
In the late 90s, I was on a trip along the Trent-Severn Waterway in Canada.  I actually was sitting around a campfire talking with real Canadiens. 

  I did that too 333, in a sailboat in 1986, mast down of course :)   That brings up another issue - we must address the housing problem here so all of us can move indoors like First World guys. ;D

  Back to MM and Sicko, sorry Bobby


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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2007, 08:58:11 AM »
Sicko is needed as there are millions of people who have no clue what is going on. They gripe about high costs of healtcare but have no idea why it is so high. I have yet to see it but I am sure I will still be floored by some of the crap that happens.

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2007, 09:30:56 AM »
Health care costs began to increase dramatically with the introduction of Medicare, in the U.S. anyway. In short, once there was a source to tap for the funds, the charges for procedures began to rise... dramatically. Most citizens with some form of health care coverage have little feel for the costs because they aren't being hit with the total bill.

The most costly periods of life are the first and last years. Think about the "advances" in recent years that have extended both ends of lifespans. Almost any form of insurance is a form of "socialized" something. About 80% of health care utilization is consumed by approximately 5-10% of the insured population with chronic conditions.
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Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2007, 11:29:16 AM »

Has anybody here ever heard of anyone flying to Canada or England to get cured of Cancer?  People regularly come to the US from all over the world to get cured of diseases that all of the "socialized medicine" countries have failed to address everywhere else.

#$%*, you can't even get a decent dentist in Canada or England, so why the hell would anyone with half a brain want to even consider changing our incredible healthcare system for the abomination of "socialized medicine".

Just look at the cancer cure rates.  The US is light years ahead of anywhere else, and that is due largely to our Capitalist healthcare system.

Yes, if you want the best, sometimes you have to pay for it.  I'm happy to have those resources available here, because they don't exist ANYWHERE else.

Moor is nothing  but a #$%*-stirrer who profits from making "mockumentaries" and trying to scare people.

Spoken by a man who either has good health-care coverage through work (and God help you if that comes to an end), or has never been very sick.

I don't need to see the movie- I live it every day.  In the last year, I've sold 4 bikes and my car to pay for drugs that are half the price in Canada.  I suspect that a big reason they're so expensive here is all the advertising they do- remember when doctors told YOU what to take?
Congress conspired with the drug companies and wrote laws so that Medicare can't negotiate drug prices the way the VA can.  There is medicare Plan D, which was writtin in Congress to show constituents that they did something.  Read up on the proverbial "donut hole" wherein you are set adrift- on your own. 
Disability gets me $900 a month.  Make a dollar more and you are making 'substantial income" and are cut off.  My monthly basic bills are at least $1200 a month.  Right now- I'm broke.
Who cares if the healthcare system in this freakin country is the best and administered by God himself?  I can't afford it. 

(I have GOT to stop reading this kind of thread)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 11:32:52 AM by Uncle Ernie »
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!

Offline DammitDan

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2007, 12:07:11 PM »
Who cares if the healthcare system in this freakin country is the best and administered by God himself?  I can't afford it. 

(I have GOT to stop reading this kind of thread)

+1, man.

Can we talk about the intolerable things that healthcare companies have done?  Forget whether or not you like M.M.  He's a person with a real voice in this society, and if he brings these issues to the forefront for actual DISCUSSION then I have no problem with it.

An example of insurance fraud (perpetrated by the insurance companies):

My sister's friend had owned and run a successful restaurant down in New Orleans before Katrina.  She had been paying approximately $12,000 a month to the insurance company for "full coverage".  After the hurricane hit and she applied for her claim, the insurance company claimed the building was destroyed by flood damage and awarded her a total of $11,000.  Now, just think about that for a minute...

She was forced to move back with her family in Tennessee because she couldn't afford to start the business back up again, and had lost everything in the hurricane.

She is currently a very vocal member of the civil case that is trying to sue the pants off the insurance companies for screwing people out of their money because of Katrina (which she ironically re-invested much of her "compensation" in).  But for now there's nothing she can do but wait and hope.  It sucks  >:(

Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2007, 12:20:56 PM »
There's nothing at all wrong with a good government run public health system, here in Oz private health insurance companies are slowly going broke, because all they can offer over the (almost) free public health system here is things like elective surgery, (nose jobs, boob jobs, tattoo removal etc) private rooms with wine menu's etc etc, so most people couldn't care less, and continue to pay 1% of their salary into Medicare.

Unlike (apparently) the UK, Canada and Europe, we've got plenty of hospitals and well trained medical professionals, so we don't need to send too many of our patients to the US for miracle cures, that are somehow not on offer to other first world countries. I think that it's absolutely criminal that in a country that can waste trillions of dollars funding a pointless war in Iraq, can turn it's back on people in need, like Uncle Ernie. That sucks. Cheers, Terry. ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline Spikeybike

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2007, 12:22:09 PM »
Like I said, this country is screwed.   . . . . . . by it's own leaders 

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2007, 01:04:22 PM »
As a matter of fact, I do have special, personal knowledge with respect to cancer.  However, unlike some on these boards, I don't feel compelled to share my healthcare experiences with a bunch of strangers on the Internet.

One thing I can tell you is that at least 80% of the treatments that are available for most cancers have come directly out of NY Hospital and Memorial Sloan Kettering right here in NYC.  Dr. Ilsen at Memorial Sloan Kettering, for example, has developed the "standard of care" for several cancers, including advanced breast cancer, prostate cancers and esophageal adenocarcinoma.  For aggressive prostate cancer, for example, NY Hospital patients live more than twice as long from diagnosis than the worldwide average.  If you have cancer, especially one of the rarer cancers, you are a fool if you go anywhere else.

You only get one chance in this life, so don't throw it away looking to cut healthcare costs.  There is NO better value in this life.  You'd be much better off saving money elsewhere, rather than shortchanging yourself and your children and grandchildren by trying to "reform" such an excellent system.

I thank God every day for the healthcare system we have in the US.  Also, I thank God and my practical family for giving me the sense to take, and keep, a good job that has excellent health care benefits.  Yes, I had to make some VERY significant sacrifices, but that's what it means to be a responsible person.

About the only group of uninsured people who I have special compassion for are children.  Children shouldn't be held responsible for the poor decisions of their parents.

BTW, despite all the whining, Medicaid is actually quite comprehensive and surprisingly easy to qualify for.  For example, in NJ, a family of four can have over $80,000 of income and still qualify for Medicaid.  Furthermore, if you don't qualify based solely on income, there are even special "need-based" qualifications that you can apply for.

And yes, I have quite a few co-workers who live in London, and I've been to London and Canada several times.  Every professional I know who works in London has his own private health insurance because the government run system is such a piece of cr@p.  As much as you'd like to believe I'm an "ignorant American", you are just kidding yourselves.

As for flood insurance, etc.  What kind of IDIOT lives in the shadows of a freaking LEVEE and doesn't have flood insurance!?!?!  If flood insurance is too expensive living next door to a goddamned LEVEE, then guess what?  Move the hell away from the levee!  My mortgage company required me to demonstrate that I didn't live in a flood zone or to purchase flood insurance to cover their loss if my house got washed away.
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Offline rugger81

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2007, 01:08:20 PM »
Maybe because I'm young, healthy, and have yet to use the health insurance that I have worked hard to provide myself with, but I really, really hope we don't switch to socialized, or single payer health care.  I know it's selfish of me, but I don't like the idea of paying for anyone's medical bills other than my own.  Although frankly thats practically already the case with the amount of people who use the ER as a primary health care provider.

I know that our medical system is hardly perfect and should definitely be reformed, but  I just don't think turning the system over to the government is going to solve anything.
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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2007, 01:29:56 PM »
Like I said, this country is screwed.   . . . . . . by it's own leaders 

Maybe because I'm young, healthy, and have yet to use the health insurance that I have worked hard to provide myself with, but I really, really hope we don't switch to socialized, or single payer health care.  I know it's selfish of me, but I don't like the idea of paying for anyone's medical bills other than my own.  Although frankly thats practically already the case with the amount of people who use the ER as a primary health care provider.

I know that our medical system is hardly perfect and should definitely be reformed, but  I just don't think turning the system over to the government is going to solve anything.
Selfish is the right word.  Sometimes people can't always get good or sometimes any healthcare.  I haven't worked in over 3 years, and if it wasn't for my wife, I'd be in quite a pickle.  My son, even worse.  Last year, he was hit(as a pedestrian) by 2 cars.  His POS job has next to no benefits, and if it wasn't for my wifes HMO, I doubt he would be here today, much less walking and talking.

An example of no benefits.  U.S Postal Service(BTW- receives NO MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT. Totally self sufficient from postal rates and still the cheapest mail service in the WORLD).  Sorry for the mini rant.  The USPS has only 20(ish)% full time employees.  That means the rest of them have NO BENEFITS like healthcare, sick leave or vacation.
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Offline andy750

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2007, 01:49:47 PM »
Ed, I wont bother and discuss anything with you as you clearly have your head in the sand and are unable to listen to reason. We could go back and forth and show reports and REAL facts and you still wouldnt get it. You always want the last word and always think you are right....When people like you rubbish a whole country(s) and think your system is the ONLY way then there is no point in taking the discussion any further.

You clearly think that the only science and medicine worth anything is what comes out of the US of A. Sadly Ed, you couldnt be more wrong. Scientific advances on many disease fronts including cancer are made worldwide and its necessary for progress. I work in  one of the top hospitals in the US and mix with doctors and scientists alike -they all agree REFORM of US Healthcare (esp the doctors!) is necessary. Seems you are one of the few who dont....good luck to you.

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2. CB750/810cc K2  - road racer with JMR worked head 71 hp
3. Yamaha Tenere T700 2022

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2007, 01:52:26 PM »
Once again ed is the expert cause of something he believes is in NY some it must begreat whereas everyone else who has first hand experience with health care in other countries, know nothing.

I think I will believe what other here WHO HAVE ACTUALLY USED THEIR SYSTEMS say, not some second hand crap from a person ed knows who might just have been pissed cause he didnt like some diagnosis. 

Also Ed, have you heard of the Mayo clinic. One of the TOP hospitals in the country. Even people from NY go there for CANCER treatment. Must be better than anything in NY for that to happen.

ANother thing Ed, cancer HAS NOT BEEN CURED,  ANY FORM OF IT. There is only treatments that can HOPEFULLY slow or stop it.

I am not going to argue with you ed, cause even if I had proof back by everyone in the world, you still think you are right and mainly because you live in NY and you think that gives you some golden knowledge.

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Re: Michael Moore's SICKO is a must see.
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2007, 01:55:19 PM »

Lighten up there Francis.