curious question to ed and company: how do you feel about military spending?
how about the roads you ride your motorcycle on? or public education, as has already been mentioned? where exactly is the bar set for "socialism" in the U.S.? i don't believe the I.R.S. even operates within constitutionally legal boundaries (not to mention income tax being incredibly regressive), nor do i like the idea of government coercion in any form. as long as i continue to exist within this civilization i will, however, voluntarily pay a portion of what i have back in order to have the things that are sensible for us to coexist comfortably. is that socialism? if so, sign me up.
it's bizarre to me how some people don't bat an eyelash at trillions of dollars in military spending at the defense of private companies-- most of which have absolutely no allegiance to this particular nation-- but think that for government to exist for the general welfare of its citizens is theft.
either you believe that all commerce and self-governance should be done without the restraint, aid or even existence of government, or you believe in taxation to support government function in some manner. if you truly believe the former, more power to you. i do believe in self-reliance and sustainability. in that world, step on my toes, and we'll have problems, or we'll learn to equitably compromise in order to coexist. wanna try anarchism? now that takes some mutual respect, hard work, and self-determination. if, however, you believe the latter, there is clearly just a difference in opinion as to where the money should be spent.
in my opinion, they are stealing MY money in the name of corporate imperialism. education? medicare? public works? pennies to the dollar against military spending. tell you what--pull the plug on imperialist foreign policies, excess military spending, and corporate welfare and maybe we can talk about "handouts."
by the way, looking at the issue strictly from the perspective of financial efficiency, compare administrative spending of medicare vs. private medical insurance. medicare= less than 5%. HMO's= 25-25%. where are all those skyrocketing costs of medicine?