Well, Ed, first let me apologise for my spelling in that last post. Very embarassing. Somehow my fingers are fatter in the morning.
So. I'm not very smart about this kind of stuff (and Congress would have to go along- like that would ever happen).
AS far as healthcare goes, I would ban advertising of any kind of prescription medication. If a compnay wants to push a drug, send a doctor a box of cigars with some free samples. It's up to the doctor to prescribe your pills- not the other way around. This would save drug companies- and hopefully the end user- a ton of money.
I think Medicare should be able to negotiate prices (including drugs) the way the VA does.
It would be nice if there was a way to eliminate college loan interest for any new doctor who agreed to work in a county hospital for 5 years. (same for nurses)
As far as welfare goes, there are all kinds of places to work in exchange for medicine, food, rent, etc; animal shelters, nursing homes, daycares, nighborhood, street, and park maintenance, Meals On Wheels, etc. I wonder if there's a way to combine nursing homes with daycare? Not all retired and old people are disabled but are too poor to afford decent care. Why not let them take care of little kids while mom is off working or going to school?
I'd like to see government programs graduated so you're not pushed off into the vast ocean in a little dinghy as soon as you make $1 over an arbitrary limit. Where's the incentive in that?
I like the way Israel handle the military- every able-bodied person goes. We wouldn't need the reserves then because we'd have jillions of folks in the army. Also available for relief and emergeny work like floods, fires, etc.
I'd like to see lobbiests gone. I'd like to see politicians who take a dime or service of any kind from them prosecuted and jailed. They are not there to serve individual companies- they are there to serve the people who elected them- and ultimately the people of this whole country.
I'd like to encourage states to recommend Congressional raises based on performance, instead of Congress being allowed to vote themselves pay raises. Each statre would have a bi-partisan committee to recommend same.
I'd like to see an advertising budget fot the government. When you look at all the advertising that took place during WWII, no wonder everyone bought war bonds. Everyone pulled together because of a common cause. We knew what needed to happen and how to do it. It took sacrifice, too. We all need some of that spirit again. Buy a war bond. Plant a garden. Drive less. Whatever.
This country is in dire need of it's PEOPLE- not it's politicians. Everyone is getting more polarized and it's hurting everything. Everything. People and country. The country IS the people- and we can't come together on anything anymore. Asking people to sacrifice a little can do that, I think. Publicity can do that. I belive in the power of advertising. Make people think abut more than if they have dandruff flakes on their shoulder.
What else... flat sales tax. If an American company moves to an island to avoid anything like taxes, they aren't allowed to sell their product here for 10 years. If an American company has it's product made in China, or other foriegn country, those products get an extra tax, or whatever you call it. I don't remember a lot of words sometimes- sorry. It's what happened to Japanese motorcycles in the '80s when Harley was having a hard time- you know what I mean.
We have building inspectors during construction. They could also be checking to see if the contractor is hiring illegal aliens. If so, fine the hell pout of him. It's not Mexican's fault- it's the people who hire them. If they can't get work, they won't come. JUST BE PREPARED TO PAY MORE MONEY FOR A LOT OF THINGS because without cheap labour, things are going to cost a lot more. I don't really think all the people who complain about illegals understand this.
Any food related company that sells tainted food will be punished somehow- severely. The government shouldn't have to inspect meat and vegitables. If something you put on a store shelf hurts someone- YOU GO TO JAIL- AND I'M TALKING THE CEO- and all doctor's bills and medicines are company paid. INSPECT YOUR OWN DAMN FOOD.
Shoot. Boston Legal is on. Gotta go. mad cow