I'm in the US. I think it's sad that people in our country will threaten someone with a lawsuit instead of talking to them to find out what they are doing.
And yes, we work. A lot.
The point is that if anything goes wrong in our lives, the first thing that comes to mind is who we can blame, and how we can sue them. And it's getting worse. Think about all of the frivilous lawsuits that we hear about weekly. People actually tried to sue McDonalds for making them fat! Can you deny that there is a problem with litigation in the US?
20 years ago, a 5 year old neighbor of mine fell into another neighbor's pool and drowned. There were no lawsuits, no criminal charges, just a neighborhood full of sad and regretful feelings. If that happened today there would be lawsuits and counter-lawsuits. Everyone would be pointing fingers and placing blame, trying to get rich off of misfortune.
OK. I realize this is the open forum, but it is the SOHC4 website so I should probably keep my political and social commentary to myself