Author Topic: My observation on Permatex gasket cement  (Read 13748 times)

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Offline dusterdude

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Re: My observation on Permatex gasket cement
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2007, 01:09:54 PM »
if the kaw`s used a steel shim gasket,i can see the use of paint as a sealer.the small block chrysler intake gaskets were a shim type gasket and i used spray on copper coat,stickier than snot,sealed real well.
1972 k1 750
1949 fl panhead
1 1/2 gl1100 goldwings
1998 cbr600 f3

Offline chrislib

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Re: My observation on Permatex gasket cement
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2007, 03:38:45 PM »
I've had good results on split case joints with the brown liquid 'Aviation' Permatex. The rear main cap on the Ford gets a smear too.

3M Weatherstrip Adhesive can hold a gasket but sets hard. Torque the bolts before the stuff dries or else. Yes, I learned that the wrong way.

The only Permatex I use is the 'Aviation' stuff (Permatex 3H) - its a habit that carried over from my air-cooled VW days. Its pretty amazing stuff - super high heat resistance and seals really well. Its kinda weird in that it doesn't seem to ever fully dry. A really light film on about anything seals it good. Use alcohol solvent to thin or for cleanup (when still wet - once dry, nothing works) as nothing else seems to touch it.  :o

The 3M weatherstrip stuff is also really handy. Its like rubber cement on steroids! Its nearly identical to what I used when I worked at a shoe/leather repair place years ago. For leather, fabric, etc - a thin coat on both surfaces, let them dry, then stick it together and it won't be coming apart anytime soon. A lot of VW peeps use it on one side of the valve cover gaskets to help seal it but allow the cover to still be opened easily for valve adjustments.
x2 Permatex Aviation sealant rocks
I keep some at work and at home, very good stuff.
Chris...closet Idlefiddler