Hey guys,yeh been gone a while ! as you probably remember i was with kellie last time i was here but omg she turned into such a psyco ! one time i got home after a w/e away with mates and she had wrecked the place because she thought i was havin a affair ! She took a unopened case of crownies (expensive beer ) and thru them at every wall in the place,i dont know if it was luck or what but she missed all the windows.The place smelled like a brewry.paintings were pulled off the walls and a lot of stuff ended up all over the yard.She was such a wild little thing,i still miss her sometimes!!!! Then i went out with a girl a little closer to my age and she was almost as bad,Sometimes comming home drunk from after work drinks and accusing me of everything under the sun.She only lasted 4 months . I sure can pick em !!!!!!!! .Iv become a lot harder now and no girl gets the keys to the house any more.Thinking about going to thailand next year and finding a nice girl.