Author Topic: 1968 Honda CB350 Clutch Lifter Rod (how does it work?)  (Read 5768 times)

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1968 Honda CB350 Clutch Lifter Rod (how does it work?)
« on: December 17, 2007, 09:04:35 AM »
Hello everyone. My friend just purchased a 68 CB350 and it only shifts to first gear. We've tried getting it from first to second but were not successful. Also, oil leaks from the left side cover when the motor is running. It doesn't just leak a bit here and there like my 550 does, it actually gushes oil. After taking off the left side crank case cover we discovered something odd. We found that the clutch lifter rod was bent and while it was turning (with the engine running) it was deforming the seal around it causing the oil to leak. It looks like the chain broke at some point and slammed into the lifter rod, bending it quite a bit. My question to you all is: what exactly does a clutch lifter rod do and is the fact that it's bent keeping the bike from shifting into upper gears? I'm hoping all we have to do is replace the lifter rod and seal in order to get this bike on the road. I don't have a photo to post yet but I'm working on it.

Offline hymodyne

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Re: 1968 Honda CB350 Clutch Lifter Rod (how does it work?)
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2007, 09:49:48 AM »
if its the same as the clutch lifter rod on the 500K0, K1, it gets pushed through the crank case horizontally to compress and release the clutch springs by a worm gear mechanism connected to your clutch cable, allowing/halting slippage of the clutch plates and friction plates when you shift. they're part of the reason from what experts here have said that the 550 has a whole different clutch actuating set up than the 500's. The small  amount of clearance between a turning drive chain was often closed by a maladjusted loose chain, causing the spinning chain to basically either bend or break the rod.  they come up on ebay from time to time, but be sure to get a pic and ask for a measurement; the one in my bike originally was actually broken in two...Someone here should have the specs on the 350 rod, which can be remade from a steel rod of the right diameter as well.

If your lifter rod is bent, be sure to check the actual mounting point for the clutch cable inside the crankcase cover, as they are often casualties of a whirrring chain as well. The steel worm gear is seated in an aluminum housing which has very thin walls. Check to see if the walls are cracked too, as this issue will limit your ability to adjust the clutch using the wide slot on the outside of the crankcase cover...cmsl has some of the parts for the 500; bryanj or Hondaman can probably tell you if they are interchangeable with your engine.

good luck,

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Re: 1968 Honda CB350 Clutch Lifter Rod (how does it work?)
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2007, 10:08:36 AM »
I was cruising e-bay just yesterday and found two 350 clutch rods for sale, but making your own
is also easy.
The mechanism is very similar to the 500, you can read the whole
embarrassing story of my problems here:

lotsa luck!

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Offline mgmuellner

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Re: 1968 Honda CB350 Clutch Lifter Rod (how does it work?)
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2007, 10:36:23 AM »
You should be able to shift into the other gears without the clutch - using your hand when on the center stand (might have to rotate the tire slightly).  If it still wont shift, then the issue is probably the shift fork.  Probably when the clutch became useless the rider jammed it into gear often enough to bend the fork mechanism which moves the shift cogs. 
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Offline canttuckmyshirt

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Re: 1968 Honda CB350 Clutch Lifter Rod (how does it work?)
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2007, 01:15:10 PM »
My knowledge is from CB00's...
How important is the center aluminum section? Does the 350 have the same design?
My 500 rod is hardened steel on both ends and aluminum in the center (I assume to make up for thermal expansion of the engine)
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