Well I agree, Crispy, and I disagree.
I agree that a black man doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected as American President, because A. Black people don't vote, B. Black People don't trust black officials, and call 'em "Uncle Toms" etc and C. Very, very few white men in America will vote for a black man. (not that many American men actually vote, anyway)
Now Hillary, on the other hand, is a smart choice, because women, for the most part, are vindictive biatches, so they will vote for a woman President, just to stick it up the men. In fact, they couldn't care less about their policies, they'll vote for a woman, just because they really believe, that a woman could do a better job than a man. Come to think of it, after the mess that GW has made, they're probably right, ha ha!