Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes
hey terry
take a deep breath and count to ten then slowly find an air operated impact hammer with a flat end tool.back the bolt that holds the flywheel out about a quarter inch .place the flat end tool on the bolt head and give it about a 5 second shot with the air should break loose .i have removed a lot of the flywheels this way and have never had it fail.
Terry in Australia:
Thanks so far guys, I've looked at Dennis Kirk, JC Whitney, Motion Pro etc, and I'm disappointed by their flywheel pullers for our old beasts, all they really are is a hardened 20 x 1.5mm bolt! The trouble with this is that it's bloody hard to hold the rotor tight and stop it from tuning while you're trying to turn the bolt once it's butted up against the crank? Unless I'm missing something, it's just dumb.
I still think the two piece puller is the go, it will need a hardened 20 x 1.5mm bolt to secure it to the rotor, then a smaller bolt (14 x 1.5 would be ideal) threaded up the inside, with a 20 x 3mm steel or brass "plug" (possibly a valve shim) to cover and protect the threaded hole in the crankshaft. I'll work on that, and report back on it's success! (or otherwise..........) Cheers, Terry. ???
Terry in Australia:
--- Quote from: jesse on April 10, 2005, 04:00:22 AM ---hey terry
take a deep breath and count to ten then slowly find an air operated impact hammer with a flat end tool.back the bolt that holds the flywheel out about a quarter inch .place the flat end tool on the bolt head and give it about a 5 second shot with the air should break loose .i have removed a lot of the flywheels this way and have never had it fail.
--- End quote ---
Hey Jesse, what is this "flat end tool" of which you speak, something like this? Interesting................... Cheers, Terry. ???
Godaw makker (means g'day m8 in Denmark ;)
Hi Terry
I read about your problem with the siezed flywheel, I had a similar problem last year when i stripped my engine for a total overhaul.
I bought a bolt (see attached picture) at my locat "ironstore".
the strenght is 12.9 and treadsize is 20 mm. 1,5
I mounted the bolt in the flywheel and tighed it quite hard up by hand using a spanner,and then i heatedup the BOLT and only the bolt until it was nearly red.
after a beers time (0.33cl.) i went back and gave the bolt one single hit with a hammer and off the flywheel go.
Hope it will work for you.
Best regards Kim Boldrup Denmark
Terry, using he genuine Honda Tool i have always got the rotors off by tightening in by hand then simply whacking thr apropriate horizontal leg with a hide or hard rubber mallet. Her in Uk i got a couple of patern pullers of a similar design but only haveing 2 different sizes on each, and guess what the 750 is on one and the 500 on the other!!!! They cost me £8 each trade.
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