September, 2000..... I was finished with a job in Red Deer, Alberta and had to get back home over the Rockies. Woke up on my day of departure to find a few inches of snow on the ground. Fortunately I was on my KLR650, with a heated vest, so I thought nothing of it.
It was the first time I had ever overtaken a snow plough whilst riding on two wheels. By the time I got to Canmore I was borderline hypothermic, even with all the gear and the know the feeling, when you roll off the bike and spend ten minutes just standing there while the circulation gets going.
As soon as I crossed over the mountains back into Gods country the temperature went up about 10 degrees c and it was back to normality.
I don't recommend riding under such conditions...although having said that I did do a couple of rides in November on the XT which were dry but definately 'brass monkey-ish'.