i'm a little confused - are you saying that the front break locks up when you step on the brake pedal? if so, i think you have some serious brake hose routing issues

in any case - take apart the offending caliper, and do these things, if they haven't been done already:
pop the piston out, and take some steel wool to it's sides.
get the seal out CAREFULLY, check it's condition, clean it, chek it's groove in the caliper, clean that too CAREFULLY as there can be salt / rust buildup in there, applying needless pressure to the piston, causing it to stick.
before putting the piston back, apply a super-thin coat of grease, so it pops in and moves about easily.
inspect the pins holding the rear brake pads; are they rusty at all? these you'll want to clean, and grease as well.
if these don't help, then i would look into rebuilding the master cylinder of whichever brake is locking up.
and finally - change the brake fluid, *all of it!*