Ok, here's an odd one for you. I purchased a head from Dragman with a number of other parts, and after some examination, it seems someone had done some modifying to the head, no big deal. There is a marking of IPO on the top of the head in the recess by where the cam chain runs. Its raised, looks like someone hand wrote it on w/ a bead of weld maybe? I didn't remember seeing anything similar to this when I put my stock engine back together.
Well, since I wanted a pro (MRieck) to have a go at it sometime towards the spring, I purchased another head off of eBay. Figured give him a new ball of clay. Well, this one too has a similar marking, however it is an SJ. The ports also look like someone has been in them. Hmmm...
My question is, was this common practice to put the guys initials that modified the head in that location? It seems to be in the same spot on each, though not on my K8 head.... Its located in the circled part of the attached pic, just not on this K4 head either....