I keep all sorts of flash drives, external drives, and backup drives in my house. I just had a computer built with three separate hardrives. The new computer is a clone of my old hard drive. Hopefully I have set myself up where I have duplicates everywhere.
Last year I lost an external drive just because it tipped over. Funny, when I was in the military we used to drop the entire huge PC on concrete and it would still keep ticking. Something barely fall over = dead. I lost all my websites. Most were already uploaded to my customers' websites, but all new, original unpublished work was lost.
Sparty, lemme know if I can help. My gf (graphic designer) had a suggestion about compiling the pics & stories and using a service that allows you to upload the completed file. Then, people could order from the site. The site would take care of filling the orders and shipping.
If this appeals to you, I can find out the company name for you...
Did I mention that I have a coffee table book completely dedicated to Cassandra? It turned out great.
Here are some not so great pics of my coffee table book. I took them real quick just so ya'll could see.