Good to hear your on the mend, however slowly it may be. I figured you may have been a writer or engineer (both?) by your posts. By the way, what does (sp) mean?
Means it was probably spelled wrong, but I was too lazy to look it up and provide correct spelling.

I was an engineer. Lots of writing. 90% of the deliverables are in the form of write ups and documentation. Production/manufacturing uses this to make product. All the prototypes made are just to prove the design and provide a bit of touchy feely. In the end, they get thrown away. It's the written documentation that survives and becomes the recipe for product creation.
Still not breathing right, hmm. I know you're using a Uni filter...have you cleaned and reoiled it lately?
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Hey the filter is brand new! You suppose the breathing will be better if I take the plastic wrap off it?

Cheers, and thanks to all for your nice words.