Nice bike and welcome!
Is Renee (in Appledoorn) still running the CBfour club? If so say hello from me!
Where are you in the Netherlands? There is another member - JohnK6 also on here. I also know Chris in Utrecht who used to have a CB400 or perhaps a CB550 - I forget. Anyway he was on the old SOHC4 mailing list.
cheers from Boston,
Thanks for the welcome. I'm living in Leiden, which is roughly halfway Amsterdam en Rotterdam.
Rene is no longer running the club. In about 2006 others continued his good work. He's now focusing on his own shop en repair service. Actually pretty cool, check out
www.honda4.nlJohnK6 is also still there, he's now part of the team that runs the cbfourclub. Chris doesn't ring a bell so far, but hey, I'm just new to the world of SOHC.
But i'll give'm your greetings when i meet them.
Hello.... Thats a nice looking carb 
Yeah, pretty full of fuel gumstuf. It had been sitting in a shed for 15years so that explains. But one carbs i turing into quite a nightmare. First the slow yet broke (the really thin bit) and than one of the float posts came off... i good start i would say. So spare floats (got damaged in the process) and a spare carb house (the right one) would be nice