I should have mentioned, that I went on a 6mile run. And when I left the driveway, she was stumbling a little.
But once I was running up and down city streets, I noticed the low-mid was back and strong, but when I'm cruising at 35mph and I'm
at 3/4 throttle and I go to apply WOT for further speed, she just goes on her marry little way slowly. NO popping!
It does have 10hp..... or was that 7hp. Either way, once she's warmed up, do you think the cold weather is messing up the mixture???
That is, the main jet size which is for WOT??
Cause the PO put a 88 in there, and that gave me serges in the summer, so I put a 90 in for the main, and that fixed it perfectly!
I would hate to have to put another size jet in there. But than again, I won't have time before the buyer gets here.
Thanks for the speedy reply. Much appreciated