Yeah Bob, I still remember how expensive gasoline was in Britain in the early 1970's, yet you'd drive past their refineries watching them burning the gas off the top? I wonder how much was wasted like that?
Now Gasoline is around $1.50 AUD per litre at the moment, so that's $4.72 US, per US gallon. By contrast, LP Gas is at an all time high of .68 per litre or $2.13 US per US Gallon.
Now with LP Gas most cars only achieve about 70% of the economy that they enjoy with Gasoline, so I suppose that in reality, it's only about a third cheaper than gasoline, but another benefit is tht it is "greener" than gasoline, and also a heap better for your engine, as it produces only negligeable carbon, so the oil doesn't get dirty betwen oil changes, which is quite strange, to me.
I remember taking to an old cabbie 28 years ago, he told me that he used to change his oil (with gasoline) every 6 thousand miles, but with LP gas, he went to 12,000, then 24,000 etc etc, and eventually let it creep up too 60,000 miles between oil changes, amazing! Cheers, Terry.