Okay, so what do I do for the 37mm forks I'm putting on my 74 CB750 (1975 GL1000 forks)? Looked on racetech but couldn't find a listing for the early GL nor did I see them listed by size
This will be a mostly track oriented bike...
don't know what to tell you about the 37mm forks, though i bet an adaptor could be made. the O.D. of the emulator is quite a bit smaller than the I.D. of the fork tube. it seems what's most important is the seal between the emulator and the top of the old damper rod. i have some gl1000 forks in the shop-- i'll try to take them apart soon and see how they could work.
i'll definitely take pictures next time. here are some of the ones i installed in joe's 650 forks, that may clarify my previous posts. the "lip I.D" is what is supposed to fit inside the top of the damper rod:

note, that this is just a press-fit with no o-ring or other sealing device. on the 740 K3 forks i did, it wouldn't fit inside the damper rod, even with the roll-pin removed, like this (sorry, cell phone picture):

the adaptor i made was just a short piece of 1" aluminum tubing that went between the damper rod and the cartridge emulator, allowing the bottom of the emulator to seat firmly. i don't know how well this will work, but it is what race tech says to do with "flat top" or inverted top damper rods.
sorry, it's crude but you get the idea: