Author Topic: Registry of 500/550 Owners (Three Tons of fun!!)  (Read 220945 times)

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Offline DarkRider

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Registry of 500/550 Owners (Three Tons of fun!!)
« on: January 09, 2008, 04:52:40 PM »
Just as the title states...This is in response to the 350 owners list thread...and just like they did..Post your name and a pic of your 500/550 four.

1. DarkRider - 1
2. pollpegj - 1
3. mkramer1121
4. dustyc - 4 (in various stages -1 together and running)
5. MrZxp - '74-550K0 - 1
6. madmark73 - 2
7. SteveD CB500F - 2
8. CrisPDuk - 1
9. possum2082 - 1
10. Jay B - 1
11. Cvillechopper - 1
12. bozo4onion - 1
13. Badger 5 - 1
14. florence - 1
15. Hope - 2
16. spikeybike - 1
17. jensk - 2
18. paulages - 2 + 2-3 others in boxes
19. ralt12 - 1
20. tjjkc - 2
21. carl550k - 1
22. jreich - 1
23. wilinfla - 1
24. DrMark - 1
25. number13 - 1
26. cafe750 - 3
27. jsaab2748 - 1
28. psykod - 1
29. Peterbylt - 1
30. Swede - 1
31. kuyarico - 1
32. jbailey - 1
33. neil young - 3
34. Wykydtron - 1
35. OldSchool_IsCool - 1
36. Deltarider - 1
37. Somemonkey - 1
38. clarkjh - 1
39. ken74-550K0 - 1
40. bender01 - 1
41. bwaller - 1
42. blackhog02 - 1
43. drackett_19 - 1
44. Vtec-Sauce - 1
45. bill440cars - 3 (plus 2 engines)
46. Bob550four - 1
47. wpnssgt_usaf - 1
48. Jeff - 1
49. wizzy - 1
50. cbass*gxc - 1 "Oooh Oooh I have one too!"
51. Glenn Stauffer - 2
52. Angiey2002 - 1
53. Gavin - 1
54. Double A - 1
55. needswork - 1
56. dagersh - 1
57. hymodyne - 1
58. forwheeldrift - 1
59. valt - 1
60. Rock Store - 1
61. TwoTired - 8 550s 1 500
62. crazypj - 2 (plus some spare parts)
63. c91x - 1
64. WJL75 - 1
65. plastikjock - 1
66. tjjkc - 1
67. chippyfive50 - 1
68. KottkeHead - 1
69. edbikerii - 1
70. Gregory - 1
71. noelocol - 1
72. jesus freek - 1
73. bhppy101
74. James - 3
75. 1975cb550 - 1
76. 76 cb550 - 1
77. JZEROE - 1
78. Geeto67 - 1
79. pablo78cb550 - 1
80. EdB - 1
81. carl - 1
82. Mule Train - 1
83. FunJimmy - 1
84. someday - 1
85. Leurw - 1
86. flipprboi - 1 "pinas 550"
87. BSA_Mikael - 1
88. Oldted - 1 1976 550F
89. tintin - 2 (Former owner and yes it still counts)
90. Tvag - 1
91. doug_id - 1
92. c15racer - 1
93. R550 - 1
94. chopstar500 - 1
95. ajinreno - 1
96. phactory - 1
97. RACERTON - 1
98. Ecosse - 1
99. freezingprocess - 1
100. onesickrace - 1
101. ohiocaferacer - 1
102. Jygge - 1
103. winnipeg550guy - 1
104. altf4 - 1
105. Chicago550 - 1
106. nilsey - 1
107. 2Shoes - 1
108. Blind Bob - 1
109. Gordon - 1
110. Klark Kent - 1
111. B. Alec - 1
112. NE550 - 1
113. R550 - 1
114. TonyDanger - 1
115. rockwell500k -1
116. Dave-and-his-550 - 1
117. buck50 - 1
118. Muk - 1
119. xkillerbx - 1
120. Whodda - 1
121. RogueMonkey -1
122. spdiii - 3
123. cleveland - 2 + a future sister owned project....
124. MikHalifax - 1
125. syth82 - 1
126. connjob - 1
127. jcarter - 1
128. alltherightpills - 2 550s and 1 500
129. joecool14u2 - 1
130. Ichiban 4 - 1
131. NGL_BrSH - 1
132. Fabio_tull - 1 500 F1 (1st of a new breed?)
133. stevenmgrr - 1
134. Sporkfly - 1
135. bzr - 1
136. micron_52 - 1
137. jspeed - 1
138. bookjockey - 1
139. big blue - 2
140. derkafer - 1
141. gold72 - 1
142. jsgiii - 1
143. Christopher - 1
144. JS550 - 1
145. aagab - 1
146. Cafe Freak - 1
147. chris801 - 1
148. 77_550ss - 1
149. Stixxy - 1
150. marksman - 1
151. Shenanigans - 1
152. thepartyjerk - 1
153. TE 450 Pilot - 2
154. Don 18 - 1
155. spitfire_garage - 2
156. Caaveman82 - 1
157. oldhondarider - 2
158. Mekun -1
159. youngerthanmybike - 1
160. moham - 1
161. kmart550 - 1
162. garry - 1
163. Katarknight - 3
164. SUELZER - 1
165. Maxacceleration - 1
166. gene03079 - 2
167. Psychoblue23 - 1
168. dn4911 - 1
169. Mach-5(50) - 1
170. SCOOT - 3
171. lpceltic- 73' 500/4
172. 75cb550 - 1
173. Cowboys550 - 1
174. ffjmoore - 1
175. JBMorse - 1
176. admiket - 1
177. Tretnine - 2
178. lynchj - 1
179. EvilCrayon - 1
180. CB500_k2 - 1
181. pjrail - 1
182. JLove - 1
183. salvatore13 - 1
184. rlrick - 1
185. fdbrat - 1
186. scooter1 - 1
187. Funkbyte - 1
188. Comaboy - 1
189. Dietzd1008 - 1
190. locostbamboo - 1
191. WrightStuff - 1
192. mikebarg - 1
193. OldSkool - 1
194. crinklesmith - 1
195. reshippie - 1
196. redseal -1
197. Wizzer -1
198. texaninseattle - 1
199. OldRusty - 1
200. boxnife - 1
201. duzatun - 1
202. carlsboss550kay1 -1
203. SOS - 1
204. Do0ki3 PWNS - 1
205. wolfy317 - 2
206. blake.irvin - 1
207. 05c50 - 1
208. Dead Bound - 1
209. cbass - 1
210. Woody - 1
211. eideteker - 1
212. Pirateonjerseyshore - 1
213. thegabrielj - 1
214. Guillaume - 1
215. RichPugh - 1
216. delay pedal - 1
217. AOD - 1
218. Chippy569 - 1
219. bradj - 1
220. AngryGreek - 1
221. garnetbrown - 1
222. slippy013 - 1
223. patricke9 - 1
224. dilbone - 1
225. Juice! - 1
226. d_soles - 1
227. sidebrake - 1
228. Zaipai - 1

229. - 1
230. Frostyboy - 1
231. DRAGON79 - 1
232 .strynboen -1
233. diffin - 1
234. - 1
235. Motoguy23 - 1
236. tommanos - 1
237. Beans - 2
238. shiznits75 - 1
239. Celco - 1
240. jacoby0419 - 1
241. IAmCitizenMe - 1
242. elmarko - 1
243. verboten1 - 1
244. hafaliter - 1
245. hummbug - 1
246. Blackhorse - 1
247. jimbir - 1
248. Mediconi - 1
249. luckysubie - 1
250. leaderbean - 1
251. brett_bike - 1
252. silverbronco - 1
253. le_sterls - 1
254. j-conn - 1.5
255. sauce504 - 1
256. christiank - 1
257. Narsist - 1
258. SonnysTile - 1
259. Fritz - 1
260. Wardenerd - 1
261. SHELLFISH - 1
262. olskoolcb500 - 1
263. traveler - 1
264. westondc - 1
265. kkbodyshop - 1
266. Jon - 1
267. B.O.X.N.I.F.E. - 1
268. Roland - 1
269. deathcult - 1
270. RustyOlive - 1
271. anthony - 1
272. dodge - 1
273. toucheturtle - 1
274. TyMatthews - 1
275. Bwatson - 1
276. cameron - 1
277. spitcrazy - 1
278. TPColgett - 1
279. Ernie - 1
280. Stev-o - 1
281 - AEngelsrud - 1
282. 75cb550 (kyle) - 1
283. Fester550four - 1
284. Tex - 1
285. HondaRog - 1
286. Little_Horse - 1
287. BoneDaddy - 1
288. boboxx - 1
289. THE DUDE - 1
290. Gunner_CAF - 1
291. daveythewavey19 - 1
292. paulmac - 1
293. MrGrey - 1
294. lowflyingdutchman - 1
295. RatFink84 - 1
296. Duanob - 1
297. mbspark - 1
298. donger - 1
299. bruisedlee - 1
300. xedge4lifex - 1
301. Greggo - 1
302. dave500 - 1
303. cb550ict - 2
304. apex_seeking - 1
305. infopimp - 1
306. Bluto - 1
307. RContino - 2 (yes I know one is a parks bike, however it still counts!)
308 - Kevino - 1
309. rashrv - 1
310. spammasher - 2
311. tango911 - 1
312. sh1bby69 - 1
313. mjstone - 1
314. DanielB - 1
315. c(b)hris - 1
316. Katarknight - 1
317. Phaedrus-74 - 1
318. db22 - 1
319. shinneh - 1
320. rider615 - 1
321. sick50ford - 1
322. Plankton - 1
323. Brooze72 - 1
324. z1100r - 1
325. losman - 1

WOOOHOOOOO!!!! Over 300 5/550s!!!
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 08:56:55 AM by DarkRider »
'84 Chevy C10
'73 MGB Roadster
'69 Ford F250

Currently a rider without a bike

Quote from: heffay
so, you say just tie myself on with this... and steer w/ this?   ;D ;D  ok.  where's my goggles?   8)

Offline DarkRider

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 04:54:28 PM »
Yes i know mine is in extremely rough fact its a bucket case!

'84 Chevy C10
'73 MGB Roadster
'69 Ford F250

Currently a rider without a bike

Quote from: heffay
so, you say just tie myself on with this... and steer w/ this?   ;D ;D  ok.  where's my goggles?   8)


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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2008, 09:08:25 PM »
Just as the title states...This is in response to the 350 owners list thread...and just like they did..Post your name and a pic of your 500/550 four.

1. Outlawz24 - 1
2. pollpegj - 1


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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2008, 09:11:57 PM »
The day I bought it, now in resto mode.


Offline dustyc

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2008, 09:18:05 PM »
1. Outlawz24 - 1
2. pollpegj - 1
3. mkramer1121
4. dustyc - 4 (in various stages -1 together and running)

1977 CB750

Offline MrZxp

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2008, 10:54:44 PM »
1. Outlawz24 - 1
2. pollpegj - 1
3. mkramer1121
4. dustyc - 4 (in various stages -1 together and running)
5. MrZxp - '74-550K0 - 1

09 Boulevard M90
SOHC4 Member #3336

Offline mark

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2008, 03:04:23 AM »
1. Outlawz24 - 1
2. pollpegj - 1
3. mkramer1121
4. dustyc - 4 (in various stages -1 together and running)
5. MrZxp - '74-550K0 - 1
6. madmark73 - 2

My '76 550K ... a.k.a. White Rice..........

And the parts department - a '75

We'll call this one Pandora - she's all in boxes.

Happy trails.


1976 CB550K, 1973 CB350G, 1964 C100

F you mark...... F you.

Offline SteveD CB500F

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2008, 03:31:15 AM »
1. Outlawz24 - 1
2. pollpegj - 1
3. mkramer1121
4. dustyc - 4 (in various stages -1 together and running)
5. MrZxp - '74-550K0 - 1
6. madmark73 - 2
7. SteveD CB500F - 2

SOHC4 Member #2393
2015 Tiger 800 XRT
1971 CB500K0 (US Model)

Offline CrisPDuk

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2008, 04:28:02 AM »
1978 CB550 K3 owner here ;D

The last time I rode it:

The last time all it's parts were together in one place (last week):

Aiming to have it finished and back on the road by Easter :)
Education: Elitist activity. Cost ineffective. Unpopular with Grey Suits. Now largely replaced by Training."

1978 CB550 K3
1985 H100S

Offline SteveD CB500F

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2008, 04:41:17 AM »
Indeed they are Yamy wheels. Well spotted DG.

Also note the instrument binnacle, home made seat, side panels and exhaust.

Story here:
SOHC4 Member #2393
2015 Tiger 800 XRT
1971 CB500K0 (US Model)


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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2008, 05:06:55 AM »

i have put some duct tape on the seat since this photo was taken.

Offline Jay B

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2008, 05:22:37 AM »
Here's mine. It's got drag bars and a Travelcade seat on it now-
'77 CB550K
'74 CB350F cafe
2001 Road King
'73 CB175

Offline Cvillechopper

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2008, 06:08:04 AM »
I've got a 500/550, truly.  The side covers say 500 (so does the title) but the engine's a 550 (555 actually ;D).

Here's the rebuild thread.

And I get to keep it!

Had to add updated pics...

« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 12:48:45 PM by Cvillechopper »
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.  Aristotle

Offline bozo4onion

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2008, 06:28:01 AM »
Here's me my 75' 550F. It's down for a winter restore now. New tires, paint (love flake sunrise orange), used master cylinder w/rebulid, carb rebuild, gauge faces+bulbs...etc. It runs good now and it's all there so I'll be on the road this spring (in KY USA that's Aprilish). 

Offline bozo4onion

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2008, 07:43:27 AM »
 a.k.a. White Rice..........

Way funny ;D

Offline Badger 5

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2008, 08:12:49 AM »

Still working on her.  Have a Benji Exhaust system on it's way and a new paint job in the works. And jota bars to install.
76 CB550K
75 CB200T
68 CL160 (AHRMA R78)
07 Triumph Bonneville Black
75 XS650

Offline DarkRider

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2008, 11:06:29 AM »
Slowly we are all crawling out of the woodwork lol....Come spring there may be a second 550F here havent decided if im taking the package deal i found..
'84 Chevy C10
'73 MGB Roadster
'69 Ford F250

Currently a rider without a bike

Quote from: heffay
so, you say just tie myself on with this... and steer w/ this?   ;D ;D  ok.  where's my goggles?   8)

Offline florence

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2008, 11:17:08 AM »
I don't know why but it doesn't seem to let me put up a picture of my bike.

Offline Hope

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2008, 11:55:26 AM »
add me to the list.  Put me in for 2

Cassandra AKA Sassy 1975 Honda CB550K (Pics of my new paint job)

Jasper (Project Jasper) 1976 Honda CB550F (Pics & Story of project)

I can't believe that ya'll started a list without me!!!

Offline CrisPDuk

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2008, 11:59:38 AM »
No sign of BryanJ, the 550 Guru yet ???
Education: Elitist activity. Cost ineffective. Unpopular with Grey Suits. Now largely replaced by Training."

1978 CB550 K3
1985 H100S

Offline Spikeybike

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2008, 12:44:28 PM » too ... me too

(edit)  1975 cb550F  (w/K tank)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2008, 08:02:06 AM by spikeybike »

Offline jensk

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2008, 12:49:37 PM »
Here is mine.
I have a K3-77 and a K3-78. The first was a wreck when I got it and is still under rebuild - but running.

Now it is rebuild to running state but still needs a cosmetical renovation

The second is in beautifull original state.

This picture is from a ride I had with the local CB550 club i east Jutland in Denmark we had this autum

« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 12:59:40 PM by jensk »
'77 CB550K Technical rebuild done and riding. Cosmetics must wait till winter
'78 CB550K3 beautifull but engine needs rebuild.

Offline paulages

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2008, 12:58:06 PM »
'76 cb550F street bike

'76 cb550 racer

2-3 others in boxes
SOHC4 member #1050

1974 CB550 (735cc)
1976 CB550 (590cc) road racer
1973 CB750K3
1972 NORTON Commando Combat
1996 KLX650 R

Offline ralt12

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2008, 01:16:26 PM »
For me, the starting point is here:

Offline Tom in Newcastle......Ontario

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Re: Since the 350 owners have formed a list...500/550 Owners step up!!
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2008, 01:19:51 PM »
78 cb550K.trying to semi re-store...........hopeing to pick up another 78 550K on Sat.............having problems with posting  pics
1978 cb 550k......stock,my first re-build

Loud pipes suck.......

If you buy for it !
If you sell something .......ship it !
If you say you are going to do it !
If you have a question about something......ask it !
When the seller answers ........let him know whether you still want it or not !
If you receive something .....let the seller know you got it !
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If you have any kind of issue,shipping/receiving/quality/price/shipping charges etc !