Looking good Necro! What are your plans with 'er?
I don't know if the forum site needs help, but you might wana check with MadMtn about whet can be done for the 2012 SOHC4 Relay
You know, I don't think I'm going to get too ambitious with this one since I am now planning to actually gift it as a token of gratitude to a friend once it's in top shape. Probably just going to make sure the valves are in proper adjustment which I have been procrastinating on, throw on some pods and finally tune/sync the carbs. I'm just finishing up swapping out all the signals with mini's and ditched the big ugly brake-light. Maybe some olive drab paint, but the silver has grown on me.
Either way, I'm now in the market for a 750 though

I'm definitely drawn to modding more than restoring, but I have no real preference towards any specific style, and kind of enjoy letting things take on their own shape through random decisions so........heh, who can say what'll happen?
In addition, this is my first, and the more I pour though the posts on this site the more I realize what's all possible.
Hondaman had a great post about handling that I'd love to run through on the next one:
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=6878.msg61579#msg61579And some of the members here have had some interesting talks about boring out to 900-1000 cc's. *shrug* could be interesting if money allows

I already love working on the current bike more than most hobbies I've picked up, so I'm pretty sure this is the beginning of what will develop into a life-long obsession, and now that I have a massive garage, well, gotta fill it with something